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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass's fishing hole

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No Ties

HIYA FROM LAKE Iwanttobethere, was expecting to wake up to several inches of snow this morning but we never cooled off enough to make snow. Heavy rain is falling and we are pretty much drenched. Standing water in the yard and Duncan thought twice when I let him out to do his thing. He didn’t go far from the door as he made a quick trip and was back inside patiently waiting to get his feet wiped dry and a brisk rub of the towel across his back. Of course he being a lab all it took was a couple of

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SATURDAY MOTHER NATURE gave us a tease of what is to come. Wind was coming off the lake and it was cold as it crossed the ice and made its way on shore. Around noon the wind shifted and went the other way. I sat on the deck and watched as the red needle on the jumping bass thermometer crept up on sixty and then stopped. Sun was already shinning in a cloudless sky and with the wind shift it was soon tee shirt weather sitting on the deck. Today it is back to being overcast and damp and there is a

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SUNSHINE IS POURING through the den window here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I have window cracked open and every once in a while I get whiff of fresh mud from the snow free flower bed outside of the window. Almost on cue several crows flew by and their cawing might be a signal to others that Spring is in the air. Sunshine Ray is forecasting a high of fifty-five where as Stormy Clearweather is it is only going to hit fifty. I am no weatherman but I like my chances of calling for a high of Sixty!

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Early Morning

UP EARLY FOR me this morning but that has now been kind of normal. The granddaughter once said that I was solar powered and she may have been on to something there. No real plans for the day but that just means something will find me and need to get done. Some lite snow fell overnight but it is already melting off the roof. I am going to put down snow removal on my today to do list and check it off. I will see if I can get over to my neighbor Chuck’s sometime today I could smell the wood smoke c

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

The Gift

A VERY PRODUCTIVE day today here at the cabin on Hidden Bay. Some light rain fell which is helping with the snow melt and no dripping from the eves as the snow is all gone along with the little ice dams there were on the out buildings roofs. My son in law's birthday today and along with his wife, my daughter I set up a surprise present. Since I know that I am not going to make eighty and even seventy may be a reach I am working on gifting my rifles and shotguns away. I want to keep things in the

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

A Vistor

FIRST OFF I believe that nothing is impossible but a lot of things are highly improbable, Having made that statement I believe in ghosts. During my long stay in the hospital any kind of really good sleep was next to impossible to get. With the drugs I was taking I had more than a few wild dreams interrupted. Most dreams were quickly forgotten but one has hung with me now for more then a week, I was in my hospital bed and the room door was ajar. The bathroom door was open a crack with the light o

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Got a smile

I am beaming here at Lake Iwanttobethere, just back from the DOC’s office where we discussed the current treatment plan. The good news is that my unplanned stay at the hospital last week was a success as my blood work came back today and I am back inside limits on several tests that were way out of bounds and were getting into the critical stages. I did gain 25 pounds in water weight but have already shed it all in the past three days. Let me tell you walking around with all that made balance an

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

That Guy

THAT GUY, I am that guy! I went back to the hospital on Friday for my last plasma washing that went off without a hitch. Since my sessions were done they pulled out the chest tube, applied pressure and a bandage and I was allowed to leave. Ten minutes later I am at the emergency entrance waiting for my wife to bring the truck around and I reach down and find myself wet on my side. My pressure bandage had not held and I was bleeding, a lot of excitement there for a few minutes as I yelled for som

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


Just got out of an unexpected hospital stay that was like the voyage of the uss minnow, instead of a four hour cruise it became four days. Had problems with very low heart rate and blood pressure and ended up having my blood chemistry go way out of whack, bunch of testing and I swear they removed enough blood to paint Duncan's house with  if Duncan had a dog house. The bad part about this was that this was suppose to be my off week in my chemo cycle and I spent it in the hospital. I have a lot o

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Never Dull

SUN IS GOING down here at Hidden Bay here on Lake Iwanttobethere. I have some Johnny Cash playing softly in the background just loudly enough that I can barely hear it over the sound of the keys on the keyboard as I write this. I pause and listen some. I have my Pandora radio playing Neal Young’s station and Johnny Cash songs slide into the rotation from time to time. Duncan is under the desk his head resting on my foot and a paw on the other foot. I reach down and pet him behind the ears lettin

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


THREE IN THE morning and the dogs are up, well so am I. Guess they decided that something must be going on if I am still up so they are in the den here scattered around at my feet. Got a heater on pointing at my desk but most of the heat is being blocked by the dogs. I am about done for now watching streaming TV so I thought I would write a little. With any luck I will bore myself and go to sleep. Usually when I write these kind of stories they just become random thoughts as I don’t really have

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Some Good News

For a change some good news! After the first week of treatment I improved some of my blood work tests and got approved for monetary help for the very expensive drug.treatment. In a few days I am going to go on a aggressive blood treatment where they are going to in four sessions withdraw all my blood and spin out the plasma, replace the plasma then put it back in. This should remove all the current floating loose chains in my blood and give me a quick shot of help for my kidneys. Will also durin

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SPENT A GOOD portion of the day just dozing. Got to take advantage of when I can sleep as Mondays are not good days for me. Grand daughter was here and the last of her girl scout cookies were picked up and then she had to leave for her cross county ski lessons. As luck would have it no sooner did she leave then a light snow stared to fall. Just a few flakes here and there but as the afternoon went on they covered the cleared deck to a depth of perhaps an inch or so. When evening rolled around th

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

The Mountie

BACK IN THE day before radio I was told by my late grandfather that they would sit around the camp fire and tell stories of their parents or friends or once in a while the crazy uncle. Now I was pretty young then and I think we did have a radio but grandpa would just say that we didn’t. Grandpa was a story teller and he could spin a yarn or two, I wish I had listen to then better so I could retell them here. Most of them were about things I didn’t not have a clue about. Grandma and grandpa lived

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Sprit in the Sky

SO I WAS running this morning I had the song Sprit in the Sky by Norman Greebaum stuck in my head. It was warm out and I was running into a slight breeze, I am sure it was a breeze because I don’t think I can run that fast to make the air feel like it is moving past me. Other then the sound of a guitar in my ears it was quiet out, could not even hear the sound of my shoes slapping on the damp black asphalt. I was moving right along as the white painted strips on the road were going by quick unde

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Getting bigger, HIney Do LIst

BEING SICK CAN sure take up a lot of your time. Monday I had my first chemo treatment and the day was spent waiting in waiting rooms for doctors who were running late and lab reports. I got a rundown of side effects from the doctor then a more tailored one from my nurse. She was a better resource as she knew what the drugs I am taking were going to do. I got a mess of steroids which she told me may give me some insomnia, she was right! I finally fell asleep at 6 am Tuesday morning and only slept

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Super Sunday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY has arrived and I am busy working on the short honey do list here at the cabin. Tomorrow I head down to the big city for my first treatment and I have no idea how that is going to work out so I am working on the do list. Weather is cooperating as it is forty-one out and things are melting. Have spent time with the ice chisel cleaning off the deck and I really should go into town and wash the Tahoe. It is about as dirty as I have seen it in a long time. Duncan has been with me m

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Changing Waiting Rooms

TIMES HAVE CHANGED a lot from going to sitting at DOC Burriem’s store front office to the big city. Back in the day You would enter into the office after walking around the rope that DOC would tie his car to the old hitching post. The rope was an old habit of DOC’s that he had from when he had his horse and buggy. You would go inside and find yourself a seat either on the tattered leather couch or the oak chairs that were rescued from the town’s library when it was remodeled. DOC would come out

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


Update: I am now seeing a blood specialist who yesterday in my visit told me that my blood disorder is not curable BUT it is treatable and he has past experience with a patient and has a treatment plan. The next couple of days I will be undergoing yet more testing with another biopsy and a couple of different scans. Going to have some side effects from treatment that are going to effect my pleasant disorder. (Inside joke to those who know me) Treatment will start as early as next week after

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Air Drying

RAN OUT OF cough drops so I took a ride into town, actually I was looking for an excuse to just get out. My first stop was at the pharmacy where I found nothing but empty shelves where the cough drops should be hanging. I talked with both of the owners Dave and Dave and they told me cough drops along with nose spray would be coming in sometime this weekend by dogsled. I guess everyone in town really does have a cold. Next stop was to see Big Earl at the General Store and his convince racks were

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


HIGH NOON HERE at the cabin hidden on Hidden Bay here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Some sun is shinning in the big windows here and no sooner do I move the chair to face the window then it disappears behind a cloud. It has done that three times to me so far but I will keep moving the chair because for that brief moment the sun feels good. Home alone as the wife went to town, just me and Duncan, chilling. The wife actually had to go to town and buy some more box tissue somehow I have used up all that

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Shovel Key

IN FROM SHOVELING snow. Have been out three times so far today not that there is a lot of snow to shovel it is just that I get tired quick and for some reason the shovel has gotten heavier. I left the keys to the shovel taped to the handle but it seems no one else in the cabin knows how to start it!   Almost forty out and with the warm weather the snow on the roof is melting and dripping onto the deck. If we had some sunshine it would be melting and coming off the eves like it was rain

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SITTING IN THE den here at the cabin on the hidden bay of Lake Iwanttobethere. Was just kind of kicking back and relaxing in my chair at the desk. Had my feet up on an open drawer and I was looking out the big windows at a overcast sky. I could just make out the yellow globe of the sun filtered by the gray clouds. I have some Glen Frey music playing softly in the background, forgot how much I like his music. Was already in town this morning, running a few errands. Have been home the past several

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

It is what it is

Don’t know how to say this so I am just going to go ahead and put words to paper so to speak and tell you. I have made mention about going to the city and seeing a specialist and having some tests done. Monday I returned to get the findings and got some news I was not expecting. I am a diabetic and have been having trouble with my kidneys. Blood work has shown I have a serious problem and my kidneys are failing. I expected to hear this and also to learn of a treatment plan. On Monday I was told

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SITTING IN BOOTH number one here at the RESORT this afternoon. Ample sunshine is coming through the big windows and the pot belly stove is more red then black. Vic likes to keep a good fire going and on a day like today it is welcomed. My neighbor Chuck called me last night and said he was heading to the RESORT this morning to do some fishing. He had heard that Dock Burriem and Vic were catching crappies and even Marv had managed to catch a few. I took a look at the thermometer hanging on the wa

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

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