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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass's fishing hole

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Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving to all and a big thank you for being a huge extended family. No matter how good or bad a day I have I can always count on coming here and finding something to put a smile on my face or make me take a pause and think about something. In a world where crazy things seem to have become the norm it is good to come here and read about the good things in other people's life's. Best part I can do it in my underwear at three in the morning while eating a turkey sandwich! From all the f

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


LUNCH CROWD IS pretty much all gone here at the Lodge this afternoon. The only guys left are Lodge members who have no where better to be. Gus has the day off but Honey Sauce is covering for him in the kitchen. I spent most of the morning putting delivery’s away and going over some pink slips in the office. Not the firing kind of pink slips but the phone message kind. When lunch came I put together Coney’s and ladled out bowls of chili. A few beers were poured but most of the guys who came in to

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


HAD TO TRAVEL to the big city today, had my physical before deer season and some flags had popped up and so now I had to go see a specialist. Besides seeing the doctor I had plans on hitting a couple of sporting goods stores, spend some money on closeout items that I could bring back to the Resort and stock on our empty pegboards in the Bait Room. Good thing I came into town early as I got caught up in traffic. Some road close and some detours and some of the detours I could not just drive throu

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

End of Season

DEER SEASON HAS come to an end at least on this side of Lake Iwanttobethere. The far side of the lake the season has just started and a few guys at the Hotel were missing this weekend as they also hunt the other side of the Lake. Reed the Realtor is one of them and his Bio-diesel RV is now parked at an old farm and his deer season continues. A few of the guys went out in the cold this morning and sat on snow covered stands and saw nothing. No one shot a deer this season and that happens from tim

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


I DID NOT last long on the swamp stand this morning, I got cold. As I get older my circulation seems to be like an old boiler that has long out lived its warranty and is just one broken part away from being replaced. Some days my hands and feet are warm and no gloves are needed and other days my hands need to be held close to the pot belly stove and they take forever to warm back up. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon out on the swamp stand, the wind was on my right shoulder and I had it pr

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Time Fly's

DECIDED TO STAY at the cabin today, had a few things that needed to get done that I had kind of forgotten about. Early this morning the rain finally let up and a strong wind from out of the South was starting to dry the deck off. Of course it did help that by noon it was almost sixty out and I was soon outside just working in a sweatshirt. I put the riding lawnmower away after blowing it off with the leaf blower, next in was the tiller as the ground was just to soaked to use either one of them.

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Back Home

GOT THE HEATER on here in the den, not that it is cold just damp as outside the window rain is falling hard hitting the deck. I am home from the Hotel at least for now as Elmer and Vic are holding down the fort so to speak. Been a steady drizzle for the past two days and today it has rained hard a few times. A little while ago Chuck was out plowing the water down his drive and filling in some pot holes and a couple of ruts that were forming. The problem with the well was fixed and Chuck now want

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Rain is Back

NOT LOOKING TOO good here for the rest of deer season. I am sitting in a booth at Maggots, I mean Maggie’s Resort watching ran fall and putting a few thoughts down on the laptop. This morning I had to help Chuck get his truck out of camp as he had well problems back at home. I gave him a couple of tugs with the tow strap that was hooked up to the Tahoe and got through what is now becoming a muddy trail out to our gravel road. Since I was already out I decided to come over to Maggie’s and do lunc

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


SNOW CHANGES EVERYTHING come deer hunting. Thursday night into Friday morning snow fell here at camp. I would say there was about six inches on the Hotel’s porch railing when I went to walk out to the swamp stand. Almost didn’t make it off the steps as there was some ice underneath the snow but I had a hand on a railing when one foot slipped out from under me. I went back in the Hotel and told Elmer to watch his step when he comes out then set off to the swamp stand. By ten I had not seen anythi

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Raining Deer

SPENT THE MORNING deer hunting from the front porch of the Hotel. I had my blaze orange on and my 30-30 was loaded and with in reach. Rain was falling and the only thing moving was me rocking slowly in the rocking chair. I did not expect to see anything and as far as deer go I didn’t. I could have sat inside the Hotel with my feet up and close to the black pot belly stove. Coffee pot would be with in reach as it usually rests on the top of the stove. Thing is, if I did that then I would have no

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Ten years Ago

November 11th Today just happens to be the tenth anniversary of Lake Iwanttobethere, never thought I would still be writing about this small hidden town of fishermen.. Bobby

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

right spot?

DAY LIGHT IN THE SWAMP my grandmother used to yell that up the stairs at me to tell me it was time to wake up when I would visit her back when I was young. For some reason sitting on the stand Sunday morning as I watched the sun rise in the swamp I thought of her and her morning wake up call. Sitting in a deer stand gives you lots of time to bring up old memories and to solve the world’s problems. Sunday morning in the stand it felt warm and as the day went on it did get warm, sixty-two was repo

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass


Well Packing up here getting ready to pull out tomorrow for deer camp, We all have names for our deer camp and we call ours the HOTEL. I write updates from Lake Iwanttobethere here and I am thinking that maybe when I return from camp I will instead just put those stories here under the blog. Make is easier for those who read the stories to just check out the blog which is what I really guess the stories have become. See ya soon and hopefully I will have a few good stories to tell.

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Saw One

Week before the start of deer season here and it is of course busy with planning. Have not seen a deer until last night when I was dropping off the mother in law and walking the creek by her place a nice six point buck ambled down the bank. Gave me plenty of time to look him over and count his rack, not just a snap shot guess view but a careful look. I watched as he ignored me and walked back into the brush to disappear into the night, I wish him good luck, next week he is going to be busy hidin

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Not Enough Time

Never enough time come fall here at Lake Iwanttobethere or maybe I should say daylight! End of open water fishing but bird hunting, mostly grouse is here and the river still calls. Sometimes you can carry a rod in one hand and a shotgun in the other but more then once I have tried to shoot a grouse with my fishing rod. I have given up on getting in that last round of golf but who knows maybe fall will last long.

Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

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