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since the big season has ended,i'm getting the itch to do a

little casting,anyone fish this area in the spring???shore

walking before i get the boat out,not sure if its worth the

effort or try elsewhere,thanks

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Although I won't be able to this spring, I've fished the black dog area every spring for a few years and it's always worth a shot. Even right around ice out you can manage to catch some fish down there. Usually I fish the 2 discharges from the lake. One will be better then the other usually, depending on the amount of water coming out, just try them both.

It is a very snag prone area though, lots of rocks and wood to lose your lines on. Most guys use bigger weights to keep their baits set, I usually use just a couple small splitshots and a hook(cheap setup to lose) or a small jighead with a hook light enough that it can bend and free yourself. I'll fish the upstream sides of the discharges, keeping me bait right around the current breaks created from the two currents meeting. I try to keep a tightline so that my baits(usually a chunk of crawler) stay floating above the bottom so I snag less. I've caught tons of drum, lots of carp(and snagged a bunch on accident), some buffalo, a few small cats, some bluegills, and a nice walleye. It's a fun spot, but there will be lots of other people fishing them on the nicer days. Make sure you fish by the books, the wardens are common sights down there. Good luck.

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Stopped by the outlet near 35W yesterday and saw a couple of fish surface, I'm guessing carp. Stupid me didn't bring a rod with. But man was it nice to see some form of open water fish.


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Fished a few spots in this area today from about 10am - 1:00pm. No luck. No bites even. Did see a few fish surface, but all in all pretty slow. This is the earliest in the year i've ever tried the area however. Previous earliest was the 1st week of april. Plenty of carp, cats, etc biting by then. If the weather keeps up like it has been, i imagine i'll be hitting the area up again this weekend or next week sometime. Good luck and bring extra tackle. It'll be a snag fest depending on where you're fishing.

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It'll be a snag fest depending on where you're fishing.

You can say that again!

I loosemore tackle fishing the those outlets than most anywhere.

I do have a tip to help though.

Go with as light of a sinker or jig as possible and let the current take your bait with it.

For one it presents your bait more naturaly and two, with lighter weight your less likely to snag.

I tipaclly fish that spot with 1/8thoz jigs and a 4" plastic curly tail that give enough resistance to the current that snagging is limited.

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Good tip Dennis. I'll have to try it out next time i'm down there, as the snags can really get old.

Another thing i forgot to mention earlier, just for anyone wanting to know the status of the launch down there on the Bloomington bank. Looks like there is still a good 3-4 ft of ice at the bottom of it. The banks upstream from the outlet and across the river still have a good slab on them too. However, down stream of the outlet isnt so bad. Be safe if you venture out though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was down there for about 3 1/2 hours yesterday. Tried a bunch of places and both outlets. Was using both crawlers and minnows. Nothing to show for. Few decent bites on crawlers but that was it. Was down there again today for about an hour and same deal. No luck. Hope it picks up soon as i'm getting frustrated!!

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It's still pretty early, don't get too discouraged. I was out on the WI river the other day, and the walleyes havent picked up either yet. Give it a little time and they'll put the feedbags on.

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I work less then a mile from there. I was catching carp there last year on the first week of april, before the lakes were compeltly ice-out; however we had a MUCH warmer spring last year then we have so far.

Another good spot is under the 35w bridge. If you fish down current from the bridge, there seems to be a lot less snags then by the blackdog outlet. I caught a couple nice carp there last year early season. I might try sometime next week, if the weather stays warm enough- altough realistically I'm thinking I won't see action till the second week in april this year.

Also- make sure your prepared when your down there and have your lisence ready. I got checked the first week of APRIL last year by the DNR down there. I just bought my lisence at the now closed Gander Mountain in Bloomington, so I was ok- but a word to the wise, yes they ARE checking people this early in the season...

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  • 2 weeks later...

the carp are sure schooling up around the first outlet(farthest from 35w). caught most aorund 10 with a big 20 pounder. We caught them all with 1/8 ounce jigheads and crawlers. reduces the snags and flows with the current. had the best luck fishing the downriver side of the outlets and try to cast right on that current break.

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Good to hear there is finally some action down there. Havent caught a single fish from that area yet and i've been there off and on for 2 weeks now. Been using strictly fatheads though. Guess i'll switch over to crawlers next time i'm down and hope for some carp action. Now, if only the water levels would cooperate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anybody been down there lately?? I havent been down there in like 2 weeks. Is the water down any?? Have the fish turned on?? Any info would be great, as i wouldnt mind getting down there if the water isnt too high.

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