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The water appears to have settled enough for the fish see the bait down about 20 or so feet in most areas of the lake, although there seems to be a line at around twenty feet down where the cloudiness starts; at least in the areas I fished this weekend. Where was that you ask? Well, we were fishing the Gull Rock, Arneson Reef area. Saturday, our house was set up in 18' on the rocks, and the other house was off the edge in 26'. Our house caught walleyes on and off all day. The other house caught a couple saugers, an eye, and a pout. Color did not matter, and the fish were definately aggressive, with all but a couple hitting the jigging rods. Sunday we had four houses spread out in the same area, with one house in 26' catching a few fish, but for the most part the deeper areas did not produce as well as areas less than 24'. Had a camera with yesterday, so it was pretty obvious that the water got murkier after that 20'ish depth I mentioned. It was also plain to see that the fish that were cruising the deeper water wanted nothing to do with a bait that was being jigged, if you marked a fish and even breathed on your line the fish were gone. I think they are skitish in the cloudy water, because they don't have much time to see if movement is food or danger. I heard from several people that fishing was really good on top of the rocks at 16 Mile and Stony Point. I also talked to a group of four that had been on 5 Mile, who had limited on eyes, but they had to work hard for them, moving around etc. Anyway, it looks like the fishing is picking up as the water clears up, and hopefully all the FMers who are coming to the ICE event and get-together in a couple weeks will have good luck wherever they fish.

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Thanks,good report. Just what i was wondering. The past six or so times ive been out have been 3 or 4 fish each time,usually 2 keepers. I am at Grayson and my plan is if i dont catch like 4 fish tomarrow morning by 10:00 i am moving to GullRock.

On another note, have u ever had much luck for eyes on Bronson through the ice? I think the fish in there are just too well fed (except for the bullheads and the northerns).

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Actually, the only I time I fish Bronson is around walleye opener in the river, so I don't have a clue about what goes on during the hard water season there.

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