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LOW March 1st to the 5th

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Hi Guys, my fiance and I are heading up to LOW, she has never been there and it's been a while since I have. We are staying out of Borderview. Our sleds are gassed and ready to go since there is no snow in the Mankato area.

We plan on fishing walleye's, in Borderview's houses Friday and probably some pike Saturday and some riding before fishing and after. We are so looking forward to this trip, my fiance has never caught a fish thru the ice.

My question is how are the snowmobile trails, we would like to run from Wheeler's point to the NW angle, is that possible and how far of a run is it??. The second question is any suggestions on what type and color of baits are doing the best up there right now. Like I said we are going to be fishing out of Borderview's houses so fishing portable is not an option, just looking for types and colors of baits that are producing.

Take care and thanks for all the help.

Sniper1, Doug F

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On my way to the Grayston Public Acess,i noticed the trails were freshly groomed.Looked like cake frosting.Before unloading my fishing gear,i did my best to break them in.Excellent from Zipple to Wheeler.Just superb.I do not know about up towards the Angle but I would say that you would not be disappointed.Once I rode the trail from Warroad up that way.Was having so much fun that i had a meltdown up near Stoney Point.Was it worth it?U bet.

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Sniper: Sportsmans resort runs the trail from Wheelers Point to Oak Island for taking clients to their resort out there. It's a groomed trail and you can make the run 30/40 mph without any problems. It's marked with black flags all the way. However, if you are not familier with LOTW, a GPS and a Marine Handheld radio, are good safety things to have along in case you have a breakdown. It's cold and lonely out there, if you know what I mean confused.gif.... Kaz

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Sniper: Kaz is right on regarding the GPS and radio. Last week when coming back from near Garden Island our bomber broke down at 430PM. No matter what Bo our driver did it just would not go. Thank god there were two other guides in the area from Snobies fish house rentals. And they were able to come over to where we were and pick 8 of us up and transport us back to shore. Barron and Darin from Snobies are really great guys, have known them for several years and they did everything to accomadate us and all of our gear. Even the guides who fish and guide here all the time team up during thier travelss this far from land. All of Charlies bombers out of Riverbend have 20# cylinders and sun flower heaters in them, just in case. Believe me with the bomber down it didn't take long to feel the cold setting in, plus I was down to two Salted Nut rolls and three slim Jims, not much of a supper for sure.

The ride on this traill to the Angle is good, watch ahead as there were a couple of pressure ridges that piled up on Tuesday, you'll be able to seem them just don't hit em wide open. Have a great time and as Kaz (who has fished the lake for a long time) advised be prepared. Monitor channel 88 on your radio, that will put you in touch with the resorts and or bombers if you run into trouble. A cell phone is not a bad idea either. Good luck and hold onto your rod. Bill

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