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Lawrence Lake

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What's the story down there? How's the ice? What's biting, and what are they biting on? I should be down there with a group of 7 or 8 on Sunday.

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Hey Ron, I think the guys you need to talk to about this place is Bull and CanvasBack Kid. All I can offer and it's not much is the ice was very sketchy when we were there a month ago, but we have had some good ice making weather lately. Pretty shallow lake from what we learned, 5' - 6' deep at the most. Tyler any comments? Good luck Ron you will have to give us a report if you make it down there. Are they having another Ice Fishing Contest?

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Well good luck down there. It sounds like you can pull just about anything out of there. I think the next time I head down there I will be targeting the Northerns. I noticed a lot of that going on there. Have a good weekend!

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Im going down to Brownsville tonight, and will probably fish there tomorrow and sunday with my dad. We have had really bad luck there, but that was when it was hot, about a moth or so ago, plus we are new to ice fishing and fairly new to fishing in general. My dad was around there the weekend b4 valentines, and he said that there looked to be a lot more ice since last time. Maybe i'll see you there on sunday Ron.

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The luck Dave and I have had has been a flurry right around the 4:30-5:00 area. Decent gills and the occasional nice crappie (11 incher). Also the occasional bass or dink perch. Have had more good days than bad just not any lately.

Steve Gorder

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I will be on lawerence lake on sunday also. i have had great luck there so for this winter. The bass and crappies have been biting good all winter. It's always a fun place to put a tip up out, you never know what you will get.


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My experience with Lawrence Lake is that you have to be there right at first light, or right before sundown, for the best panfish action. The bluegills run big, but they can be fussy about when they want to bite. On the wrong day, nobody catches anything on Lawrence.

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Maybe a dumb question, but is there a bait shop there that will be open on sunday? Would it be better to take kids to Lawrence or Bartlett? I'd like to try Lawrence because it is new to me. Bartlett might be a better bet as far as putting the kids on some fish. I wouldn't want the little ones to get bored with fishing. They're not mine, but I would rather they fished and had fun than run around and start tearing the place apart and generally annoying the old man in me. Not to mention keeping them interested in fishing for the future.

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They sell bait at the marina at lawerence lake, and i think they are open on sundays. If not there is a bait shop in lacrescent. Bartlett would be a better bet for catching fish. But if you can find them at lawerence they will be a lot bigger. At lawerence it is important to stay mobile untill you find fish. They are almost always bitting somewhere out there, and once you find them you can catch them all day. The 2nd weedline has been better this winter for me. Try to get away from other people and you will catch fish.

Good luck

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I agree that Bartlett is a better spot to take kids fishing. The fish size isn't as large on average behind the Winona airport as it is at Lawrence, but you will catch more fish in Winona. I definitely have found that the bite at Bartlett is more steady than at Lawrence, as well. Bartlett, like anywhere else, has off-days, but the bite is pretty consistent, which is not the case on Lawrence, where you never know what the action is going to be like until you get there.

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I'm back home today, and yesterday, I fished behined the old Bonanza Building that's on the way to LaCrosse, and cought 2 crappies that were around 7", then later I went to Lawrence lake and didnt get a bite. I havnt cought a single fish throught the ice at Lawrence yet. crazy.gifconfused.gifblush.gif

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It was a tough bite at lawerence today. I ended up catching 12 gills, mostly small. Tip-up action was good. Me and my dad got 4 bass, and missed 3 other flags. We left lawerence at 2 and fished lake winona and did a lot better. Lake winona has been hot lately.


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Size on lake winona is almost always good for everyting except gills and maybe perch. There are very big eyes, bass, and crappies.

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Hey Ron, what are you doing early Saturday or Sunday morning? Lawrence or some other place? I'm off. Call me.

Steve Gorder

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No Chicago? If we leave by 6:30 or 6:45 that would be good. Be there a little after 7.

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No Chicago. Bridgette's coming here. Can't visit with people decently before 10 AM anyway. Meet me at my house about5:30 - 6:00?

Steve Gorder

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