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Arnesen's Report?

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Anyone been up to Arnesen's lately, or fishing near Gull Rock, 12 mile, etc? A group of 4 of us are headed up for our annual trip... I'd appreicate any report...



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Wondering the same thing myself!!!!!!!!!!! 6 of us also going up this weekend for the annual trip.. maybe we will see you there...Any reports would be helpfull.. Thanks

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4 of us will be up on this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (Jan 29-31)

Good Luck!


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Marine... Post your report when you get back if you dont mind... Are you going to be mobile or are you sitting in Arnesens houses?? Good luck to ya!

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I am part of Marine_Man group we will just be fishing out of Arnesen's houses no portables this trip. One of us will post when we get back we always do. We usually do pretty good out of there. I am hoping that the bite will be good but if it isn't that is ok. This trip is just a fun trip for us of course the fish make it much more fun.

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I just got back from Gull rock. We did pretty well. 27-29 feet. mornings have been pretty good. Caught many fish.. LX3 was picking up some huge signals suspended at 10 feet. VS560 was showing fish on the bottom all the time...Pretty fussy biters but we got some to bite. Jigging is very suttle. They scatter if you jig too much or too fast.

Happy fishing.

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Same report here from Gull Rock as well. Did real well...Much better then what we were excepting especially from what we read and heard from the locals. We were in 28 feet of water. Up there Fri until Sunday. Boy was Fri and Sat a cold one!!!! The Vex was showing activity quite often...It was weird seeing stuff at 10 and 20 feet constantly. You move up and they would scatter. Tried leaving a hook suspended at that dept and nothing bit. Just lookers. Would have been nice to have an Aqua to see what exactly it was, not sure if you could see yet with the clarity yet. Best results were at the bottom with minimal jigging like Wiskers said. Wish I could have stayed up there a few more days as I am thinking the fishing is starting to turn the corner and we were on to them...They bit on everything to plain hooks, green spoons, gold pimples, seemed like it didn't matter.

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Hunting 24 7.. Thanks for the report from Gull Rock... 3 of us are thinking about either Long Point or Gull on Thursday.. Were you fishing out of Arnesens houses or mobile??? On sleds or able to drive, shiners or fatheads? Thank again for the info....

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We were in portables and drove out. (Babbler Road) Snow was deep in spots. You will have to pick and choose your entry towards Gull Rock wisely. Got hung up on an ice chunk the first day. It was really snowing & drifting when we came off Sunday. Would assume the road would be plowed again when you arrive. Used fatheads, however, we didn't give shinners a try at all. I have a hard time keeping them alive all the way to the house for some reason. It doesn't matter how much I baby them & I am only left with a few alive ones...But anyway, Good luck and anxious to hear a report back. If it is still good, I am thinking, I will head up there again soon!

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I'll be staying at Babbler's this weekend and anticipate fishing Gull Rock, 12 and the 16. We sometimes fish East of GR on the flat with some limited success. I'm interested to know if 27-29 fow is better on the N,S,E or West side. I've had better luck to the East, especially when fishing shallow toward shore. Sounds like a lot of FMers will be out. Good Luck.

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Thanks for the info everyone... sounds like things are picking up a little... too bad there's a little cold front that's scheduled to move through on Friday or Saturday... oh well, we'll go and have a good time... fish are always a bonus... I'll post a report when I get back...


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My house did very well this morning. I sent up some friends to my house and they did very well. Fishing is improving, its about time. The trick was having a great LX3 to find the fish and the VS560 to see what they were. The bite was verrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy light. Many were so light that when you got them to the top of the ice they just let go. We watched them on the camera and set the hook as soon as they gulped the chub hard, many less misses then. gotta give Marcum an attaboy for this trip again.

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Wiskers, have you tried using a fish caddy? I first seen them in a weekly newspaper I get. This place also has a website. I can't remember right off the top of my head what the website was to purchase them, but if you are interested I could maybe dig it up. You could possibally make something simular to it as well. If you would like the info email me at [email protected]. It looks like you could prevent a lot of fish from spitting out the hook at the top of the ice. Nothing more frustrating than getting your sleeve all wet and losing a nice fish on top of the ice.

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If it is what I am thinking your talking about.. We have made some of them already.. However the fish were getting off just below the ice. sigh sigh... it was the lightest bite I have ever seen... they were taking the bait with their lips I think. LOL LOL...

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Well Marine_Man and I and there the rest of our group of 4 just arrived back from Arensens after 3 days of fishing. Another great trip thanks to Arensens. We started off fishing by Gull Rock sunday and the bite was none existance for us. So after a couple hours they moved us to the twin rock area and that turned the day around. We probably picked up about 20-30 fish for the afternoon with 7 walleyes over 14" for the pail and a sauger and perch. So then Mon morning we were out to 16 mile and it turned out to be a nice steady day for us catching around 40 fish with several nice keeper fishs and again a couple saugers. So after a good fish meal at the cabin it was time to get back out. Yesterday it was back to 16 again and it was a day very similar to the day before. It wasn't to long into the day for us to get the rest of our limit for 4 all 14-19" fish. So it was catch and release the rest of the day trying to pick up some more saugers. The saugers however weren't cooperating. So we only end up with 4 saugers and 1 perch for the trip above our walleye limit. It was for sure not as good as the past years fishing but it was pretty darn good for this year up there. Nothing too nice for size a couple 3 lb fish but that was it for largers size but a nice limit none the less. It was nice to finally put a limit a fish together this year finally. The reservation has already been made for next year.

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Definitaly had a good trip this year.. thanks to Ogs the bomber driver for all the great jokes and information!

Looking forward to next years trip already... No particular color seemed to work better than the next.. if I had to pick one it would be glow red / orange, but not by much. The gold Kahle hook caught the majority of the set line fish. The biggest thing it seemed was to use tackle that rattled as it seemed to draw the fish in to some extent.

No eel pout, which was different and only 1 perch, which also was different.


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