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buffalo bay

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I'll pass on the hearsay information I got from one of the residents up there Wednesday. He said that there was 6 to 8 inches of ice off the east shore. There were a few permanent houses out about 1/2 mile from shore. The ice off the east shore was table-top smooth with only about an inch or two of snow on it. He did say the ice was shifting quite a bit, and that it appeared there was a nasty heave starting to form east of the cabins and the marina. Given the winds for today and tomorrow, I'd bring whatever bites into the ice the best. I'm heading out the door for there right....NOW!!!

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I got back from the Bay last night. Pulled the permanents out to 16 ft. and 23ft. on Saturday. Fished out of both houses...nothing but one burbot in the shallow one. Two of us caught a total of 10 walleye - six keepers - in two days in the deeper house. The ice is 8 to 10". The water is so cloudy, we couldn't see the bottom of the ice. Walleyes we caught were all a pale, sickly gray color from the lack of light I presume. There are some nasty heaves...one formed Friday night from South Point running east that then turns and runs toward 12 and 16 mile reefs. We didn't get close, but from a distance it looked like the ice was pushed up 10 feet high or better in some spots. Sad part was, from reports we got, we had the "hot" house on the Bay with 10 walleye in two days. The water is not dirty as in particles. It is a milky color. Does anyone have any info from the fisheries people as to what is causing this. If it's suspended particles, you'd think it would have cleared some after two weeks of ice. In many years of fishing up there, no one we talked to has ever seen it like this. I've never seen walleye that color before and it sure made for tough fishing.

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Hey Bob, spoke to a friend up at Rainy He said The Gates where opened up by Boise so I guess with all the water going your way it will be cloudy for awhile, Milky just doesnt sound good that sounds like a spill of some kind in the river. DNR should take a water sample or MPC agency.

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The dam gates in I. Falls have absolutly nothing to do with it. The Rainy is nice and clear and they've been catching fish like crazy at times so far this early ice. It was the heavy winds a few weeks ago that blew the lake open that caused the havoc in the water.

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what i gather is in close at morris pnt,at 12 feet it was tea colored,but 18 feet deeper is clear.more northwest near long point,it was milky out to 21 feet deep, and notta fish

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How much snow is on the ice? are there pockets of deeper stuff? Reason I ask is weather we can pull the house out with a wheeler or if a sled is the way to go? The house is 16' long.


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There was very little snow. What there was blew into finger drifts with last weekend's winds. Lots of bare ice with hard drifts every so often. I did notice that it was snowing in Warroad most of yesterday afternoon and evening with light winds so that may be different now. I pulled our houses out with a sled with studs with no problem, but our two houses are only 6X8's. If your wheeler has chains, I'd probably go that way. A couple times the front end of my sled came off the ground when I hit the hard drifts and the houses dug in.

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The dam gates in I. Falls have absolutly nothing to do with it. The Rainy is nice and clear and they've been catching fish like crazy at times so far this early ice. It was the heavy winds a few weeks ago that blew the lake open that caused the havoc in the water.


For your info whitetips on the gates open, Look at Rainy Lake forum and Fishmeisters post Fishing report, I think he knows just a little about gates and high water. Should help you out being your from North Dakota wink.gifgrin.gif

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Well fishnutbob FYI, though the gates may be open now, that is not what murked the water on the pond. Like Tips said it was indeed the wind, and all that busted up ice it pushed around kicking up sediment. The cleanest water at this time on the entire south shore is near Pine where the river dumps in. I am not from ND, I live near the LOTW and have been on the ice 8 different days over the past 2 weeks.

Fished near morris tues and wed and the water there has cleared nicely in comparison to what I saw the week prior. My guess is the water will slowly clear from east to west. Should help you out being you're from Maple Plain.


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Hey Guys calm down, Yes most of the dirty water did come from the wind, Just another point of view, Whitetips you notice I had a wink and a smile, Both of you Have a Merry Christmas grin.gif

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Calm down eh, who's not calm??? We try to keep things real and factual here, not imaginary. Bob go take a peek at Sportsmans fresh from this morning web report, I think they may know a little about "gates and high water" as you say, and how it effects this pond {LOTW}. Just another point of view which you may find somewhat enlightning.

No need for the DNR or MPCA to sample the water!!! grin.gif


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You guys need to get together for a spritzer and talk this whole milky, colored water thingy out. You dont want to go to your grave with such a serious disagreement left unsettled. laugh.gif

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