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LOW - Warroad - 11/29 report

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Cold! Cold!

Nothing has broken up from where I can see on the big lake. Someone was down at the Jetty throwing rocks larger than a bowlingball out from the docks and they did not go through. Low last night was single digits and currently it is 14 with a windchill below zero. Same wind as yesterday, but getting colder today. Expect single digits again tonight and the wind is supposed to slow. Havibg had 20+ MPH winds for a couple days in a row and the ice didn't move, I think this stuff is here to stay!

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*** Tip-up - $20. New line $9 New jiggin spoons $18

*** New Jacket $79 Reports like Anthony's - Priceless!!

Thank You Anthony!!!

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Muskeg generally is more tolerable to the wind...

I'd venture a guess the middle of the Big T is going be a huge mess with all the wind.

Maybe it's hanging tight, but I doubt it.

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