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backwater ice...

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The waters south of the dike road at Wabasha and those found along the Wisconsin shore south of Nelson are largely ice covered now. There were a couple spots that looked as though the ice would hold a man, but no one in our vehicle chanced it. The water running on the north side of the dike road was pretty much all open and ice free even along the shorelines. I guess with the day as gray as it is, it's fitting to see ice down there.

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We went out Sat. with long rods looking for open water and Wilcox has at least an inch of ice...so that was no good. We managed a few scrappy perch along the Dike Road. Nothing huge but nice morning and breakfast in Wabasha was great.

I wonder if that little skim will stay? I wouldn't mind a little open water yet OR freeze hard now! It's this in-between time that gets me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was just wondering how the Ice was doin around the wabasha area. anybody been out and checked lately?

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Better wait a week yet and be safe. The warmth and wet early in the wek could have set it back some and its not worth the chance.

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I think I'm going to go poke around a bit on the dike road Saturday. Just to see if anybodys been out.

It shouldn't be too much longer. Maybe like Tom says, a week or so. But the temps. haven't gotten up to the freezing mark for a while and that's one of my favorite early ice spots to try.

I'll be sure to let you know what I find out.

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Yeah im thinking about poking around some of the old haunts around wabasha also on sunday. These temps are making me anxious ooo.gif but i agree CT no fish is worth falling through the ice.

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I was in LaCrosse yesterday and there is ice all over in the "backwater" areas. What pool is that? I do not fish this area, and was just looking from I-90. I did see what looked like footprints in the snow on the ice. I actually saw a few boats by the lock and dam just as you cross into WI too. Please be safe guys and very cautious if you must try the ice.

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Well guys here is my follow up report from my excursion down to the dike road.

I came down from Lake City and the big lake is pretty much froze all the way across. Good sign.

After I crossed the bridge from Wabasha I noticed two trucks with boat trailers in the first parking lot. Bad sign

I got to Pontoon slough and there wasn't anybody around. Nobody! I thought I would just take my spud down the little boat ramp and check it out.

I walked out about ten feet from shore and gave it a whack with the spud. About an inch of ice busts out. The next stab at it, the spud got through. Whoa! Talk about freaky.

I went back up and got my life jacket and auger. This time I walked out about twenty five feet from shore and cranked the auger into the ice. Maybe only five turns and I'm through. I scooped it and measured the hole for thickness. It was only 1 3/4" thick and the top is pure white ice.

I never even put a line down. Way to nervous!

I guess I'll give it another week and try it again.

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Thanks for the info dan. im thinking thursday should be a good day to make a trip over into that area. With the temps thats the weather report is claiming should put a good coat of solid ice.

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You were right dan not much ice at all at the dike road. I did wet the line a little at pontoon off the landing in about 10fow. only about 1 3/4 of solid ice blush.gif but im a little guy only weighing about 140lbs. Did manage 2 dandy sunnies about 9 1/2in. Im thinking friday im gonna be out and bout checking ice again around kellogg and wabasha. Anybody else gonna be out that day.

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Way to go Crappieguy! Did you see where I drilled the hole? Man that was too thin for me to be out there. Did you get down the channel towards the bend? Thanks for the report.

I gotta work Friday, but this weekend should be a good one for everyone!

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Fished 3 or,attempted to fish,3 different backwaters yesterday,12/5.At none of the waters that I fished on,was I able to get to where I wanted to fish and at one place,was not able to fish at all but,at the 3rd and final stop,I was able to fish in about 4 ft of water and managed about a dozen nice gills

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Way to stick with it Troutman. If you don't mind, what was your third and final destination.

I should have stuck it out last Saturday, but I was by myself and didn't want the hour drive home being soaking wet.

Thanks for your report Troutman!

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I don't know the name of the place...I just know how to get there.I've read and heard the name of the place before but,since I already know how to get there,my 51 year old mind has decided that names aren't important and I've forgotten the name of the place.That is okay when it comes to fishing spots,but can be very uncomfortable in social situations.Anyway,I think the name of the place is (fill in the blank) slough.It is located a mile or so south of the Alma power plant.There are usually vehicles parked there.

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Thanks dan.

i fished your holes dan and made few with the bar alittle further out .I did make it towards the deep hole by the bend but even i was scared there. One wack and the bar went right through the ice like butter. There was only about 1" crazy.gif so i turned and went back to where it was safe. I did fish in the narrow area but didnt even mark a fish. there was alot of current it even swept my sonar puck a bit to the side.

But if anybody gets out on friday ill be driving a red van and wearing a blue coat and overals stop and say hi.

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    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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