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LOTW Odd Makers.....

Captain B.R.K

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Got a question for you crystal ball readers grin.gif:

I'm not sure what the temps have been recently, but do you think it will be a safe bet for "4 wheeler-able" ice the weekend of December 9-11th?

Got reservations in Baudette to come up with some buddies to do earlier season eye' fishing.

Sure hope you are going to say "YES".

I guess the weather is suppose to get pretty cool here next week in St.Cloud.

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A little early my man IMO.

Shoot for later Dec. if possible.

This fall is shaping up to be a warmer one so I wouldn't get too gung-ho on those plans.

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Maybe a 50/50 chance, or probably a bit better, but I will venture a guess that you will be able to get around with an atv then. If not you should be able to do a walk out somewhere. Heck Mercman is coming up and we are hoping for thick enough ice for wheelers on the 3rd! Knock Knock!

NW minnesota....This nice weather WILL change soon enough! Till then we just do the openwater Walleye thing eh!


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I'm with you on this one Captain we are going up the 15th and are hoping to have ice to fish.


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I know its early to be dreaming about ice, but I have a three day trip planed for Dec 9-11th and I have been praying to the ice gods every night. Hey could somebody that lives up on the south end of the lake turn down the thermostate about 25 degrees at night. Its only 4 weeks away still just wishing for enough ice to hold a 180lbs. grin.gif

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We're starting to see some skim ice here at the north end of LOTW, if that's any help.

JUST KIDDING! grin.gif

Dec. 9 would be pushing it, but that's what we do I guess. Be safe, regardless BRK. (They're only fish, afterall)

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I'm being hopeful as the weather is going to finally turn in the Baudette area this week! High in the low 20's to very low 30's.

Hemlock- I bet you'll be seeing skim ice shortly, very shortly grin.gif

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I am wondering if Jack Frost is hitting the snooze alarm one time to many?

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don't need a crystal ball. Too many pesimists on this forum. Yes of course the odds are in your favor... the 10th of Dec. no problem. 2 of the last 3 years I have worried about having enough ice for spearing opener on Winnie, yet every year we drove our four wheelers out on opening weekend. One year on what was open water a week earlier. Have faith... The last half of November the weather changes a lot.

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Last year I missed open water on 4 mile bay by one day. I pulled the boat up on December 3. The bay froze over on Dec. 2. Couldn't ice fish...couldn't boat fish. I ended up going to Birchdale and was the only boat out there. The 15 day forecast doesn't look the best right now, but like bubblehead says....it can change a lot and quickly. Keep watching the weather!

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We got hit with snow and cold last night. I saw ice this morning around some docks in a creek that feeds the lake. Also was told ice is forming in some of the shallow back bays on LOTW. This should help some of you sleep better.

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2 times out of last 10 years were not able to get out by ATV on 2nd weekend. Going up on the 7th myself. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Keep the positive reports coming!

I hope we aren't saying come the 2nd weekend of December, " 3 out of last 11 years there hasn't been ice". I'm hoping to keep with tradition and there will be ice!

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Hey guys, im a new member to this site and i love it. I have a trip planed for the 17th out of sportsmens lodge, and im praying for cold weather. Please keep up the posts on ice conditions, much appreaciated.

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Sure nuff like I said last week on this thread MW minnesota and the weather will soon change eh BRK! Reckon we should still keep our fingers crossed still though as it could change back too....NOT!

Twas -5 this morning, about 18 now. Walked on my pond yesterday out by Wannaska and I did'nt go thru.

Pete and Terri from the Walleye retreat have a fresh report up saying the bay is froze over out their way too now.

Hope we don't see them big winds, hope we do see more cold so that big pond will freeze up nice.

I hate this inbetween time, come Saturday it'll be a week since I've fished, YIKES!


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Whatever ice I saw three days ago, is now gone. Only about -1 C today. Highs above freezing. crazy.gif

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Sorry dude. grin.gif Positive? I wasn't NOT being positive, just giving factual, first hand observations of the lake that you so wish to be ice. wink.gif I guess you don't want me to tell you that the lows are only -7 C (20 F) and the high for tomorrow is 5 C (41 F)

It'll get real cold soon enough.

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mad.gif......I'm kidding. Any report is better than no report.

Keep em' coming Hemlock. I know it is only a matter of time!!

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Thanks for the report Anthony. Does anybody have any info from over by the Pine island area of the lake. Thanks much for any info. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Wicky: Keep checking the Walleye Retreat web page as they are posting the ice progress on 4 mile bay.. As of a few days ago the bay was froze over and baring any big wind conditions, we should be on our way. smile.gifsmile.gif.... Kaz

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