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Fished below the Alma dam this morning with my father with more than cooperative fish. The sauger bite was pretty steady all morning. We had success on both sides of the river. Only managed 1 walleye. We were fishing 3-way Debuque rigs with a 3/8 oz jig/ringworm and a colored hook with minnow. The minnow portion to a large majority of the fish, though a few saugers and the walleye came on the plastics. The saugers ran the typical 10-15" range the walleye came in at 15 1/2". Overall a great morning out fishing with my dad.


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Great to bump into you this morning Andy! And your dad! Happy to hear the bite was working...it's that time ya know.

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I've been given the go ahead to fish Saturday morning and Alma's going to get the nod. Water temps under fifty (48) for the last three days have me thinking that the plastics should be taking off i grand style and I just have to find out. Just haf'ta do this.

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Crappie Tom

My son and I were knocking the waldos and saudogs dead Friday 11-4. We used blade baits, plastics and fatheads!

Have a great day this Saturday.


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CrappieTom, I heard there is a new boat launch just south of the alma dam on the minnesota side off of west newton road. Have you ever used that? I am thinking about coming down to fish pool 5 this weekend. Also, does pool 5 have the eel grass or weed problem coming out of lower pool 4? Thanks.

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Ross....If you head into the Newton area you will see where the road to the new launch is on the left. It is well marked and just before you get into the houses along the stretch just before you hit the bottoms.

I won't use that lauch, it is too steep for my liking. Real steep.

I have not been to Alma yet this fall, but am going on Saturday. The people I have spoken to that have fished there have not mentioned the grass issue. I know at times it is a bummer to try and fis when it lets go in the backwaters ahead of the dam. I wil post what I find on Saturday afternoon.

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Are you going to be there? Joel Nelson is going to accompany me....looking forward to the big water again. It's been way too long in coming.

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We haven't decided yet. I am waiting for my dad to decide where he wants to go. Pool 4 or pool 5. I think both will be good, but I am not the one deciding. Good luck on pool 5 Tom! smile.gif

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There's a pretty good chance I'll be out there as well. I'll be in a 14' red Lund. Stop by and say hi if you see me out there. Always nice to meet new FMers.

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Things went pretty good again this morning at the dam. A few more weekenders out this time as opposed to the weekday previous, but still not overly crowded. The fish were definate cooler to the touch though. The sauger were once again cooperative for the short time I was there. A couple things of notice today. First I put in at the West Newton ramp and it is a nice ramp. As Tom mentioned a little steep, but I had no problems launching. I even saw a Toyota Camry with a trailer behind it in the lot. The ride up and down the river was nice as there were plenty of bald eagles in the trees. I fished the debuque rig again today with a chartruese ringworm and colored hook/minnow combo. I would say at least a half dozen of the fish today came on the plastic which is more than usual. Also got my first double today. Had a solid hit and brought it up and had a nice sauger on the plastic. Got it unhooked and as I brought the hook up there was one on there as well. Thought that was pretty neat.

Tom I didn't see you out there. Either we just missed each other or you had a change of plans and hit Red Wing instead.


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We ended up going to Red Wing. We caught some nice sauger and walleye. Nothing huge just good sized fish. Plastics were not producing very well. I had good luck with hair jigs and my dad did well with jig/twister/minnow. It seemed most people were getting fish today, just not fast and furious. The water was suprisingly dirty today. How was the clarity on pool 5?

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I had to cancel out due to some health issues. Good to hear that you found fish yet. It only gets better and I hope I can get ahead of this stuff and hit the water yet before that area locks in with ice.

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As I am new to Fishing MN, and i have just, this last spring and summer, started to learn about the Miss in your areas, and lake pepin, I was wondering where is Alma Dam? We are going to be on the miss and pepin this coming weekend and would appreciate any advice! I am familiar with Red Wing dam and will either be staying at Everts resort or in Lake City. HELP!!! tongue.gif See ya on the water...Be Safe!!

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The Alma dam, or Lock and Dam # 4 as it is officially known, is in Alma, Wisconsin. Alma is about five miles south of Wabasha, MN and Nelson, Wisconsin, and about twenty-five miles north of Winona.

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Thanks...don't want to sound dumb...just didn't know! Was Alma a town gone long ago? Where is relationship to Everts Resort is Alma?

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From Everts it's about 45 miles south to Alma. Wisconsin side of the river. As you begin to leave Alma to the south you will see the signs, just before the power plant but after the grain elevator, that will get you to the ramp's parking area.

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Back again! I just realized where Alma is! WoW! This weekend has been a long one! Managed to get some pheasant hunting in...grandaughter was here all weekend...lots of yard work done...Brain Dead!!! Not really..it's just as I get older...can't remember as much! Anyway, that area the last time we were there...LTS of water! Had a very interesting time on the water...Minneapolis had had 6" rain prior to us getting there...the Miss was flooding in from the north...the small tributary (?) just above Alma, yet at south end of Pepin, was flooding int from the south...and as the days went on the debris shut the fishing down! We had one day where the fishing was GREAT! Walleyes, suager, white bass, crappies seemed to stage between the two "bodies" of debris that day and the fishing was great! The next day, although...was not sop good...Pepin rose three feet and we headed south! Had a great time as usual...cause fishing beats hell outta work!!!! See ya on the water...Be Safe!

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Tyler and I did Alma this morning. Nothing great to report fish-wise. We got fish on plastic, minnows, minnows and plastic, blade baits...basically everything we tossed in the water got attention.....just not much for size and the hits were often very tenative. Lots of short hits today.

The problem as I see it is the shad numbers being pretty high. I caught a 13 inch fish on a sonar that had a shad too large to swallow still hung up in it's gullet and the shad was still alive! The gull s were on a non-stop foray at the face of the dam rollers the entire time we fished that part of the pool.

Most of our fish came from areas of channel with deeper water. Only a couple fish were seen at the dam and they were not large ones. The water was at 39 when we arrived. Maybe another week will help to disperse some of the shad and things will pick up. I won't fiddle with the front of the pool at the dam though, on my next trip.

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Anyone know if it is worth the walk across the spillway opposite the Alma Dam? I fished under the spillway, but was thinking about walking as far across as I could to fish for eyes under the (Contact US Regarding This Word). Is this even possible??

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That's a pretty common walk for a lot of people. There was one fella down there on saturday fishing.

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Joel Nelson (from the turkey forum) and I did Alma this morniing and yes, it was a bit chilly. 7 degrees when we left for there.

The dock is still in place, but there was some substantial shale forming and pooling in the area around the ramp/dock. If these temps persist we'll be about done at Alma from that launch site. The water temp was right at the freezing mark on the locator and had the current been absent and no wind I am sure the river would have froze over. This is about as cold as I have ever been while ON open the water. I am not in a hurry to break this little record either. lol

We took one nice waldo off the face of the dam working plastics along the current seams and eddys. Several other hits were had but hook-ups were a toughie today with the guides iced up most of the time. The long wingie just before it narrows down was the best area for hits and the one fish.

A purple head with a natural colored minnow plastic was the attention getter today while the usually popular chartreuse was very quiet.

Little competition was on hand this morning, save for the gulls and eagles, which made site selection convenient.

This was the first time that Joel and I had fished together, but I am hopeful it is not the last. I had a good time in his company and certain appreciate the time spend with him today.

In spite of the negatives I had a good time and I think Joel will say likewise. I honestly think ice fishing would have been warmer, but the boat was safer than the ice we saw.

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Great report from Alma. I had X-mas Tree duty today so fishing is for tomorrow. Rain in the forecast so it might get tought out there. I am headed to Red Wing first thing. If there are any other brave souls looking for that tap on the line tomorrow look me up. I may be frozen in the front seat of my rig! I will be in a black and tan Crestliner with a 90 Yammy on the back. It might be frozen too! I don't know whether to get the net or the ogger! Should be fun!! blush.gifblush.gif

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Chilly or not I had a great time. It was the "coldest" fishing I've ever done; not even close temp wise, but at the trip up/down river, as well as how damp the air was being below the dam, it was cool. But being half-crazy is half the fun.

And Tom was a great guide. Not only did he take me fishing and share his knowledge.....he took me to Mauer Bros, and I'm sure purposely, forgot his sandwich for me to eat on the ride home!!! Sorry Tom, almost turned around at the SA.

Oh, and don't let him fool you. His interpretation of "we" is much different than my wifes. When she says "we", it means "me" (Joel); when Tom says "we" it means him. grin.gif

Thanks again for the great trip, and pray for no rain and stable, cold weather.


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Its a bit over 40 degrees right now....with rain. Sorry dude, but I see ice failing so another trip in the boat is likely.

I had a great time, as always, and think we need to get you back when the fish bite.

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