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Reverend Al and Ben Crump getting air time again.


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Obama looks like someone just kicked his puppy....

Obligatory plea for peace in the streets and now on to making excuses for why the rioting occurs (while they're rioting and trying to tip over a police car in the background)

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Lord knows Barry did one heck of a job as community organizer in Chicago. Does anyone actually take him seriously? Apparently the animals down in Missouri don't.

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Obama to the question asking him if he will head down to Ferguson. "We'll have to look at that. We already sent a team down there and they have done some good work." As the split screen of a building riot was being shown. What a debacle.

Seriously, how ignorant can this administration be? Sending an official delegation with the AG to Brown's funeral and to meet with his family undoubtedly made the situation far worse. To top it off we then had to endure the optics of the POTUS bringing Al Sharpton to the white house to report on his "good work" in Ferguson in his role as the administration's civil rights liaison. Then we have the lawyers for the Brown family day after day calling officer Wilson a "killer" and so much as calling for an indictment as the only just outcome even before the evidence was examined. Then you have members of the mob outside the courthouse with signs saying officer Wilson should be jailed for life….True and pure ignorance on display and no longer able to be ignored by so many.

I see MSNBC is still stirring things up. They are all disappointed and now the Democratic Senator from St Louis County is calling this evidenced based lawful process racism based….Unbelievable.

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Wouldn't it have been better to release these report in the morning? Perhaps the likelihood of rioting would diminish when people can be seen in the light?

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If Obama thinks of going to Ferguson, he should hope there is a town left after his brothers get done doing what they do best. What a bunch of losers to say the least. R u proud of your kin Obama???

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

They just had about 5 minutes of video of the liquor store getting looted.

Jeeez, now how are we going to get all this stuff on the bus back to Chicago? frown

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They just had about 5 minutes of video of the liquor store getting looted.

I hope you were watching FOX when they showed it. It was priceless when the report bent over to look at the bottles that were stolen and it was F-this and F that and F'n white people and get the F-off my $**t. I gotta say its more entertaining than a Vikings game.

Nothing like remembering Mike Brown by robbing the liquor store. crazy

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If anyone is ever wondering why someone would "need" a stockpile of weapons, ammo or high capacity magazines, etc., just watch the coverage of rioting in Ferguson.

If I lived there I would be armed to the hilt and not sleeping much tonight.

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This is the end result of the Great Society. The evidence in this case ended up supporting the cop and debunking Dorian Johnson but none of that mattered to the rioters. The Grand Jury made the right decision based on the evidence. This cop was never going to get indicted. What jury is going to indict a cop who was doing his duty verses a young thug who just got done robbing a store?

This case was perfect for race baiters such as Obama, Holder, Sharpton, ect. The evidence was so one sided in the cops favor. If there was a video of the cop shooting Brown in the back while his hands were up, which was initial claimed but debunked by forensics, everyone, black, white, red, yellow, would all agree that cop needs to go to jail. But CNN had a poll yesterday that showed the racial division of whether Wilson was guilty or not(whites saying he was justified, blacks saying he murdered Brown). Therefore, it allowed the racial hustlers to further stoke racial strife

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The dirty little secret is, stable inner city black communities and the cohesiveness and stability of an intact black family have long passed to never return. The only hope is for individuals to decide to leave these communities and start lives for themselves away from that culture. And it's hard. I understand that. I'm also sympathetic to Brown's immediate family being more emotional and irrational that the looters and the bussed in mobs

The second option is for these communities to take a long, hard look at themselves and start cleaning their own communities up. To hear many of these individuals speak, Brown was not responsible at all for what happened

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

To me all those that gave a false testimony should be charged with obstruction of justice! Then maybe some of that costly time and money waste craap would stop! smirk

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If anyone is ever wondering why someone would "need" a stockpile of weapons, ammo or high capacity magazines, etc., just watch the coverage of rioting in Ferguson

Bingo!!! And in this case it's peanuts compared to a larger scale meltdown...

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I'm certainly not against anyone exercising their right to stockpile guns, ammo etc. Practically speaking I can't imagine myself fending off a large contingent of people if they rushed my house even with a stockpile. I'm sure I could hold them off for some amount of time but eventually does one individual have the training, skill, mentality to really accomplish this? I suppose if you were in the military you'd have been trained for this but for John Q Public? At least for me I'm no Jason Bourne. Sounds like a romantic thought of protecting my family but like I said is this thought even practical?

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Proof is in the pudding. Most of 'em went dark last night at about 1800, hunkered down waiting for the spillover, and are back alive and well.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
    • Rivergroup
      We used Chubbs and rainbows during the beginning of the week and the bite seemed to transition to leeches later in the week. 
    • Dougo
      22 has killed more game than anything, including deer!
    • knoppers
      not too bad at my place, but they are starting to come out. about the only time they get abundant is when I pull my skeeter out of the garage.😁
    • smurfy
      i reckon the skeeters are starting to get a bit over abundant about now????????🥴
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