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Gov Dayton


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How many members of congress are part of tea party? How many are part of the Libertarian Party?

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How many members of congress are part of tea party? How many are part of the Libertarian Party?

Oh Snap!


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LOL...after floundering for decades the poor libertarians will grab onto any coattails they can at this point.

Tea Party-endorsed candidates were in office in less than four years. But then again their platform wasn't based on hookers and blow or a Navy consisting of two submarines, either. (see: paragraph #2 of your quote)

Oh snap!


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LOL...after floundering for decades the poor libertarians will grab onto any coattails they can at this point.
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Tea party endorsed candidates. Candidates who beat out other GOP candidates in their respective primaries.

Is it really that hard to comprehend?

Good grief.

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Tea party endorsed candidates.

Is it really that hard to comprehend?

Good grief.

But they were Republicans, right?

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Yep, I'm the one in a box.

How many members of congress are part of tea party? How many are part of the Libertarian Party?


As the Dos Equis guy would say:

Stay irrelevant my friend.

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I know you're a bit on the dense side when it comes to politics, but at least try think about it for a bit and maybe the lightbulb will finally sizzle to life and you'll figure it out.

Until/if that ever happens, stay floundering, irrelevant and voiceless. Good luck getting halfway to a double digit percentage in the next election cycle. ROFL.

Remember: We're laughing at you, not with you.

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Where do you think the Tea Party came from?

Oh Snap.

There you go again, confusing libertarian ideas with the Libertarian Party.

The tea party came from a lot of small government conservatives, galvanized by Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC.

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I know you're a bit on the dense side when it comes to politics, but at least try think about it for a bit and maybe the lightbulb will finally sizzle to life and you'll figure it out.

Until/if that ever happens, stay floundering, irrelevant and voiceless. Good luck getting halfway to a double digit percentage in the next election cycle. ROFL.

Remember: We're laughing at you, not with you.

As your side keeps changing it's views to accommodate Libertarian positions so it can retain some relevance, we'll be the ones to laugh last.

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As your side keeps changing it's views to accommodate Libertarian positions so it can retain some relevance, we'll be the ones to laugh last.

I'd be happy to see a migration by the GOP to some of the less extreme views held by the LP, or toward compromise versions of those more extreme positions. I think this is the only way we're going to see more liberty at the federal level. There's no way the LP will get the votes needed, with their extreme and black/white viewpoint on every topic -- e.g. "You can't just legalize MJ, you have to legalize any substance" type mentality.

I guess the alternative is that the LP migrates to a more moderate position on some of the extreme stances, so that folks will actually vote for them. But, that is probably less likely to happen, IMHO -- as illustrated by things like the "98% of the voters are wrong" post we saw earlier.

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There you go again, confusing libertarian ideas with the Libertarian Party.

Ron Paul was a member of the LP until he switched to the RP. The strategy was to transform the RP to libertarian from within.

He deserves the most credit for the change that has taken place, and is still happening.

The strategy worked.

As I blogged at Cato and found in a study for FreedomWorks, libertarian views in the Republican Party are the highest level in a decade. According to my analysis of American National Election Studies data, libertarians represent 35 percent of the Republican Party, an increase of 9 percentage points since 2000. Gallup’s own studies confirm this trend: libertarian views represent 34 percent of the Republican Party, a 19 percentage point increase since 2002. See chart below.


Social conservatives are bucking the trend, but it's only a matter of time before they are outnumbered.


First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

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It'd be great if more libertarian-style folks would moderate their viewpoints some and transfer to the GOP like Ron, and actually be able to do something rather than sticking with the "let's abolish the FDA" extremist theme of the LP and being irrelevant. I see the trend and I welcome it.

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It'd be great if more libertarian-style folks would moderate their viewpoints some and transfer to the GOP like Ron, and actually be able to do something rather than sticking with the "let's abolish the FDA" extremist theme of the LP and being irrelevant. I see the trend and I welcome it.

It's happening, and the libertarian party is growing at the same time. Who knows, we might actually see some cuts in the future, rather than just talk.

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It's happening, and the libertarian party is growing at the same time. Who knows, we might actually see some cuts in the future, rather than just talk.

They will also have to lose the crypto-racist "For voluntary dealings among private entities, parties should be free to choose with whom they trade and set whatever trade terms are mutually agreeable."

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They will also have to lose the crypto-racist "For voluntary dealings among private entities, parties should be free to choose with whom they trade and set whatever trade terms are mutually agreeable."

Exactly. Imagine being the minority trying to buy gas in the middle of start-white kansas in the only gas station that is open for hundreds of miles in any direction. "For you, tonight, a special price of only be $30 per gallon". Or worse yet -- we don't sell to your kind.

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Or worse yet, if gas became a controlled substance because it was "hazardous to your health" and not "green" enough, and was subjected to so many regulations and taxes nobody could afford to buy it.. whistle

And you happened to be stuck in the middle of Kansas to boot.

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Or worse yet, if gas became a controlled substance because it wasn't "green" enough, and was subjected to so many regulations and taxes nobody could afford to buy it.. whistle

And you happened to be stuck in the middle of Kansas to boot.

I don't believe that is part of the platform. Can't defend your party's position? The Klan wing take control of the platform committee?

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I don't believe that is part of the platform. Can't defend your party's position? The Klan wing take control of the platform committee?

Maybe ask the 700 club what they think.

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Well I'll be durned..looks like Pat Robertson opposed the Civil Rights Act too, according to Holysmoke.org....

Presidential candidate Pat Robertson in 1988: ''Opposes Civil Rights Restoration Act; favors equal opportunity for all people; opposes affirmative action laws that put unnecessary burdens on businesses.'' (St. Petersburg Times, 3/3/88)

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As I blogged at Cato and found in a study for FreedomWorks, libertarian views in the Republican Party are the highest level in a decade. According to my analysis of American National Election Studies data, libertarians represent 35 percent of the Republican Party, an increase of 9 percentage points since 2000. Gallup’s own studies confirm this trend: libertarian views represent 34 percent of the Republican Party, a 19 percentage point increase since 2002. See chart below.

Huh. Funny how the trend line turned upwards when the Tea Party came along... Coincidence, I'm sure.

Ride them coattails, Libertarians.


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Has anyone else noticed that GOP candidates avoided using legalized marijuana and gay marriage as a wedge issue in the mid-term elections?

Election 2014: The State of Libertarian Ideas and Prospects for the Next Congress - A Special Online Event


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • leech~~
      Yeah was just being a smartAzz about cranes being the only "waterfowl" you eat with salt and pepper.  😏
    • Kettle
      We feild hunt for them, lot of time it's figuring out their route from water to feilds and pass shooting as they don't fly high off the ground. No turkey where we go. Do normally see a moose or two. Have had coyotes come in and try and steal decoys tho
    • SkunkedAgain
      Actually, I think that I know what you are talking about. There is a large tree in there. After visiting with the neighbors a few years ago, I headed back in my boat. The boat actually rode up on top of the tree and got stuck. It was 11pm and late fall. I tried rocking the boat, shifting between forward and reverse, but couldn't get it off. After about 10 minutes I decide to swim to shore with a rope, tug it off of the tree, and then go warm up. As I went to the back of the boat again, but this time to strip down for the swim, the boat just slid off of the tree and back into the water.
    • leech~~
      When you set up your deks for crane in the pond, do you ever get Turkeys landing in the set?  
    • Kettle
    • Kettle
      I'd take a beef ribeye or beef tenderloin over crane any day. It's similar to venison and the only waterfowl i eat with just salt and pepper. When cleaning them it smells more like a pheasant than a duck or goose, not nearly as pungent. Just so fun to watch em fly, they are prehistoric looking. Fished tonight with a retired buddy and sent him home with 6, water Temps around 67 degrees. Jig and minnow. Hard to leave to go waterfowl hunting with the walleye biting 
    • Dash 1
      Fished Osakis early yesterday morning.  Temps were 67-68. Found walleye in 12-21 ft along with small perch. Kept a 16 and 18 for supper. Almost too warm to fish. What a crazy September. I was using nightcrawlers with a spinner rig. Got the 18 on a 2 inch crawler after perch bit it off twice and I was too stubborn to replace it. 
    • Troy Smutka
      Has been a warm, but fun start to the 24 waterfowl season. Got out for the first two days of the early teal and early goose season. Got my son out both days of the Youth Hunt, and got out both days of opening weekend. Mostly singles and doubles coming in so far, so my son Parker has harvested most of our birds. Not great numbers, but good variety for a very warm September in central MN. We have harvested bluewing teal, greenwing teal, shovelers, mallards, wigeon, pintails, a nice drake ruddy duck, and geese. Water levels are much higher than last year, with one of the lakes we hunt being about two feet deeper than last season. Hopefully some cooler, more seasonable temps will settle in and start bringing the calendar migrators through the state. Good luck, and I will see you out there somewhere.
    • smurfy
      Yea iffin Kettle says that's what it's like I'd tend to believe him, he has harvested a few 👍   Besides everyone knows  guys that hunt and fish never fib 🤗😉
    • Mike89
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