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Gov Dayton


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Makes you wonder why Dayton didn't say one word in that video, doesn't it?

Unfit to be governor.

grinsmirk sounds like u scared, more fit than previous one that only cared about a pathetic attempt at higher office

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Fit? He's a union puppet who struggles to articulate the most basic thoughts and has shown that he doesn't have the slightest clue what bills are put in front of him.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Fit? He's a union puppet who struggles to articulate the most basic thoughts and has shown that he doesn't have the slightest clue what bills are put in front of him.

Maybe he has a Radar on staff to help him? wink


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Maybe he has a Radar on staff to help him? wink

He does. Her name is Tina Flint Smith and she is another progressive moonbat who will be the first woman governor of MN when Dayton finally completes his transition to a mindless puddle of skin.

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It has been said if vote as a Republican and go along with everything they say is right,your right side of your brain is dead. The same can be said of Democrats who go along with the status quo of what Democrats say,your left side of your brain is dead.

Either way you nonfunctional and can't think for yourself.

Quoted from a Independent politician of coarse,but a lot of truth in it. People can justify anything if it benefits them.

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Fit? He's a union puppet who struggles to articulate the most basic thoughts and has shown that he doesn't have the slightest clue what bills pills are put in front of him.


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I read that Daytons opponent, whats-his-name, changed campaign managers.


That's a good sign of a leader. Jeff Johnson saw a problem and fixed it instead of ignoring and denying like Dayton has repeatedly done.

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That's all the hypocrites and frauds have at this point. Work the margins and use semantics. They'll never let facts get in the way of a good story.

Speaking in the third person again?

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At least Nolan has the nads to tell it like it is......hunting can be and is good for our state but who hunts with an AK 47? If ur that bad or need that much ammo that fast probably should not b hunting.

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At least Nolan has the nads to tell it like it is......hunting can be and is good for our state but who hunts with an AK 47? If ur that bad or need that much ammo that fast probably should not b hunting.

If you don't know what's inherently wrong with this statement to begin with you should reread the second amendment, I'll give you a hint - it doesn't have anything do to with deer hunting...

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A while ago amaturefishing was all about mag size restrictions and pretty much made the same statements. Feel free to do a search.

Dayton and his gang of happy fellas are heading to Worthington for the "Governors phesant opener." Good lord I hope no body is foolish enough to put a gun in his hands.

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He also ran a sawmill and lumber business for years and it is still family owned I believe.

So Nolan made his money from a "Family Owned" sawmill. And that is cool and everyone is happy for him. But Mills made his money from a family owned Retail business and he is the bad guy? Sure Mills made quite a bit of money, but Nolan isn't exactly hurting for cash either.

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Yeah, I don't think this state could ever elect someone who's inherited millions of dollars from their family's retail empire.....

It takes a lot of balls for the Dems to run those commercials against Mills while at the same time propping up Dayton for another term - politically and physically smile

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If you don't know what's inherently wrong with this statement to begin with you should reread the second amendment, I'll give you a hint - it doesn't have anything do to with deer hunting...

There is nothing wrong with my statement and I know exactly what the second ammendment states but highly doubt any of our fore fathers ever envisioned either automatic firearms with multiple speed reloadable clips designed and made for military warefare to be knock offs for hunting or placed in the wrong hands like criminals, gangs, mentally ill, etc. So anyone affected by them are just considered collateral damage by gun enthusiasts? I have hunting neighbors that feel exactly as I do, no need for this kind of firepower in the hunting realm.

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A while ago amaturefishing was all about mag size restrictions and pretty much made the same statements. Feel free to do a search.

Dayton and his gang of happy fellas are heading to Worthington for the "Governors phesant opener." Good lord I hope no body is foolish enough to put a gun in his hands.


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If you don't know what's inherently wrong with this statement to begin with you should reread the second amendment, I'll give you a hint - it doesn't have anything do to with deer hunting...

There is nothing wrong with my statement and I know exactly what the second ammendment states but highly doubt any of our fore fathers ever envisioned either automatic firearms with multiple speed reloadable clips designed and made for military warefare to be knock offs for hunting or placed in the wrong hands like criminals, gangs, mentally ill, etc. So anyone affected by them are just considered collateral damage by gun enthusiasts? I have hunting neighbors that feel exactly as I do, no need for this kind of firepower in the hunting realm.

I don't know that you're interpreting the bill of rights right... and I'm not sure you understand exactly what an AK-47 is, or how it works... or how it can actually used to be a hunting rifle... or how they're not all full auto... etc etc.

not to mention the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting, and even an evil communist socialist progressive hippy (how I'm sure GOPHSO views me, even if its pretty dam far from the truth) realizes this. There's nothing wrong with stashing 10 Big Scary Black rifles in your home to defend you from a perceived attack from whoever (aliens, zombies, marauders in a post apocalyptic wasteland... etc etc.)

it's the kind of view expressed in your post that the " I Heart 2nd amendment with all of my body don't tread take them from my dead hands" crowd of the GOP latch onto and never let go of, as it shows the typical "liberal progressive hippy city dweller who has no idea what guns are," mantra...

plus it riles up them annoying "don't tread" flag carriers on the 610 bridge that seem to create traffic jams.

Goodness that is annoying.

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There's nothing wrong with stashing 10 Big Scary Black rifles in your home to defend you from a perceived attack from whoever (aliens, zombies, marauders in a post apocalyptic wasteland... etc etc

Slab, I'm on your side so go easy on me. I don't think you're a hippy. I'm guessing you shower on a fairly regular basis. However there are many out there that claim you don't need them (them being big black scary guns and 20 round mags) so lets pass legislation to ban them. You know, cuz you don't need them.

That's a topic for a different thread I'm thinking. In the meantime I stand by what I said and hope there isn't a person in Dayton's band of merry men that are foolish to let him handle a loaded shotgun.

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Yeah, I don't think this state could ever elect someone who's inherited millions of dollars from their family's retail empire.....

That was the funnyist thing I've read all day. Thank you for that. laugh

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Slab, I'm on your side so go easy on me. I don't think you're a hippy. I'm guessing you shower on a fairly regular basis. However there are many out there that claim you don't need them (them being big black scary guns and 20 round mags) so lets pass legislation to ban them. You know, cuz you don't need them.

That's a topic for a different thread I'm thinking. In the meantime I stand by what I said and hope there isn't a person in Dayton's band of merry men that are foolish to let him handle a loaded shotgun.

smile haha, oh I wasn't tryin to go after you, I was goin after AF a bit... that and loosely mocking some of the folks on doomsday preppers (even though I love that show)

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I don't know that you're interpreting the bill of rights right... and I'm not sure you understand exactly what an AK-47 is, or how it works... or how it can actually used to be a hunting rifle... or how they're not all full auto... etc etc.

I was going to start a list of all the things AF doesn't understand but then I realized I only have 3 reams of paper left.

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There is nothing wrong with my statement and I know exactly what the second ammendment states but highly doubt any of our fore fathers ever envisioned either automatic firearms with multiple speed reloadable clips designed and made for military warefare to be knock offs for hunting or placed in the wrong hands like criminals, gangs, mentally ill, etc. So anyone affected by them are just considered collateral damage by gun enthusiasts? I have hunting neighbors that feel exactly as I do, no need for this kind of firepower in the hunting realm.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • leech~~
      Yeah was just being a smartAzz about cranes being the only "waterfowl" you eat with salt and pepper.  😏
    • Kettle
      We feild hunt for them, lot of time it's figuring out their route from water to feilds and pass shooting as they don't fly high off the ground. No turkey where we go. Do normally see a moose or two. Have had coyotes come in and try and steal decoys tho
    • SkunkedAgain
      Actually, I think that I know what you are talking about. There is a large tree in there. After visiting with the neighbors a few years ago, I headed back in my boat. The boat actually rode up on top of the tree and got stuck. It was 11pm and late fall. I tried rocking the boat, shifting between forward and reverse, but couldn't get it off. After about 10 minutes I decide to swim to shore with a rope, tug it off of the tree, and then go warm up. As I went to the back of the boat again, but this time to strip down for the swim, the boat just slid off of the tree and back into the water.
    • leech~~
      When you set up your deks for crane in the pond, do you ever get Turkeys landing in the set?  
    • Kettle
    • Kettle
      I'd take a beef ribeye or beef tenderloin over crane any day. It's similar to venison and the only waterfowl i eat with just salt and pepper. When cleaning them it smells more like a pheasant than a duck or goose, not nearly as pungent. Just so fun to watch em fly, they are prehistoric looking. Fished tonight with a retired buddy and sent him home with 6, water Temps around 67 degrees. Jig and minnow. Hard to leave to go waterfowl hunting with the walleye biting 
    • Dash 1
      Fished Osakis early yesterday morning.  Temps were 67-68. Found walleye in 12-21 ft along with small perch. Kept a 16 and 18 for supper. Almost too warm to fish. What a crazy September. I was using nightcrawlers with a spinner rig. Got the 18 on a 2 inch crawler after perch bit it off twice and I was too stubborn to replace it. 
    • Troy Smutka
      Has been a warm, but fun start to the 24 waterfowl season. Got out for the first two days of the early teal and early goose season. Got my son out both days of the Youth Hunt, and got out both days of opening weekend. Mostly singles and doubles coming in so far, so my son Parker has harvested most of our birds. Not great numbers, but good variety for a very warm September in central MN. We have harvested bluewing teal, greenwing teal, shovelers, mallards, wigeon, pintails, a nice drake ruddy duck, and geese. Water levels are much higher than last year, with one of the lakes we hunt being about two feet deeper than last season. Hopefully some cooler, more seasonable temps will settle in and start bringing the calendar migrators through the state. Good luck, and I will see you out there somewhere.
    • smurfy
      Yea iffin Kettle says that's what it's like I'd tend to believe him, he has harvested a few 👍   Besides everyone knows  guys that hunt and fish never fib 🤗😉
    • Mike89
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