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Heard rumors about this at work. It will be interesting to hear the details if/when they come out.


It should be interesting when more information is released.


From what I heard, it is follow up from undercover investigations from last summer. Not all the resorts did something wrong, but a few did. Be carefull of what you hear as what the DNR will report as illegal is not as bad as you or I think. It may be a matter of mis marked fish, not necessarily over the limit


pretty sure the guides are cleaning the 'mis-marked' fish, and I'm guessing they know the difference between walleyes and saugers...so playing the mis-marked fish card is a crock. just imagine how many walleyes over the years have been slid into the "sauger" package. those business owners have a good thing going up there but there are always a few one-who-thinks-I-am-silly's that can't figure that out!

i've even heard that there is a certain technique to 'shrink' fish used by some of the guides on LOW so they miss the 19 1/2" mark. this was on a charter boat. personally, i would not patronize a business again if i observed them abusing the regs.


The vast majority of guides on the lake are honest chochie. I don't think it's fair of you to make it sound like it's common practice to be dishonest because I don't believe that for a second.

Until all the details come out on what was found in the investigation, let's not make this into a finger pointing or a bad mouthing thread, OK?


that's why i said a few. i know that most of them are hard-working people trying to make a living...see it every time i fish there. Didn't mean for it to sound like i was pointing the finger at everyone, but obivously some of them screwed up. really ticks me off when people have to mess with fish and game rules and regs!


I don't think any of us like it when some don't think the rules apply to them.


After the fact's all come out, if a few did break the law, we cannot come down on the entire group as there are always a few bad apples in every group. just happen's.


Also when I said mis marked, I didn't mean counting walleyes as saugers. I meant they might not have had the proper packing tag information on them or not enough skin etc.

It sounded like just about every resort had undercover agents at them at some point this summer, and violations were only found at a few of them. That means more honest than not.

While the DNR’s investigation documented disregard for laws designed to ensure conservation of sport fish, it also revealed other fishing guides in the area followed the law, ensuring the protection of the resource, the statement said.
This should settle that whole discussion

Something major must of been going on,never heard so many CO's involved in one spot.


Something major must of been going on,never heard so many CO's involved in one spot.

Probably sending a message.

Also please don't condemn the guys who get busted. Give the the second chance to do what's right. Some minor offenses shouldn't ruin someone's life.

How many people here have DUIs? Did your family and friends condemn you?


I agree with you up to a point maxpower17, but I'm having trouble sorting out in my mind if a guide should be allowed to guide any longer after doing something knowingly illegal concerning limits. I honestly don't know what I think.

I know people make mistakes in judgement and I'm as guilty as the next guy, but the line has to be drawn someplace.


I guess it needs to looked at on a case by case basis.

We all have made mistakes.


Are they going to take away the guide's license? Oh wait- this state has no requirements or standards regarding fishing guides lol. That's part of the reason there are so many shady dudes and black eyes out there.


I know that Minnesota doesn't require guiding licenses, but I imagine they could prohibit individuals from accepting payment for guiding in some manner if they chose to do so (or something similar to get someone to stop guiding).

A licensing requirement won't change the morals of an individual. In states requiring licensing, about the only things a license does do is force an individual to get a certain amount of liability insurance and of course it gives the state a certain amount of control. In a case like this, it would give them the authority to pull their licenses.

That does bring up a good question though,

Should MN guides required to be licensed?


Looks like there are a lot of guys whinning on here that someone broke the law like they would never do that. You had better stop and think the next time you are driving your vehicle down the road and the speed limit is say 55mph, how many of you do gooders are driving that 55mph?? If you are going faster than that YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW!!!! you are putting my life and the lives of other people on the road at risk. Shame on you, you should be bashed on a thread on here, you should have your license taken away just like you want the guides to loose there livelyhood. It's just a fact, some people are goig to break the laws, if they didn't it would be a great world. We would no longer need any time of law enforcement and could free up millons of dollars for other uses. I certainly am not condoning the actions of the people that were cited but face it no one is perfect.


Guides on LOW are Federally licensed since LOW is considered part of the Great Lakes..That's a tough license to get and a good one to try to protect.

They must be able to past drug tests at any time. I dont know what game violations would do to them but you should know these guys are trained and tested before they take people out...


Nice to see it didn’t take long for the speeding card to be played.  smile


Sure looks to me like the DNR was targeting resorts/outfitters/guides.   This wasn’t just Average Joe out on the ice with an extra line down the hole.  I think that businesses should be held to a higher standard.


At least if we had guiding licensing and requirements (other that the USCG) we as consumers could make an educated decision as to whom we hire.   If certain game laws are broken, that license could be suspended or revoked.


No matter, people soon forget though and it will pass over with time.  I seem to recall a certain guide up in the McGregor area that was busted for a gross overlimit with his clients and here we are a year or two later and he’s already slinging goods as an Ice Team/Clam Pro.      I bet not too many people also know that a Brainerd area guide and MN Fishing Hall of Fame member was busted not too long ago for an overlimit


Guides on LOW are Federally licensed since LOW is considered part of the Great Lakes..That's a tough license to get and a good one to try to protect.

They must be able to past drug tests at any time. I dont know what game violations would do to them but you should know these guys are trained and tested before they take people out...

Only if you are running a power boat with people on board and only on a few waters and rives in MN. Don't need a thing on most waters and nothing for ice guiding. Anyone can guide on the majority of MN waters without the CG OUPV 6-pac, or required physical, hundreds of documented boat hours, yearly med reviews, eye tests, drug tests, current CPR & First Aid, Transportation Workers Identification Card and required background checks.

At the minimum- on all state waters it would be nice to see a STATE license of some sorts and minimum boating hours, 1st air/cpr, boating/navigation test of some sort to weed out the weekend internet guides with the 15'er and no job that dream of becoming a 'guide'. At least it would be something to hold over someone's head besides a little fine.

The CG license for MN is a little over the top I think. But at least it's a database that follows a guide and holds all to a certain standard. If I get speeding ticket or game violation in any state not just the state that you use your license in- the CG is calling me. And if you accumulate a couple in a span of a year or two you will have your license pulled for a duration of time.


I've done 2 "resort/guided" trips to LOTW, and both times when our fish were cleaned for us they weren't cleaned under the rules for transporting fish. The 2nd time it happened we talked to the management and long story short, we were told it was no big deal and they would swap our fish with another batch that was cleaned properly if we desired. crazy


Hmmmm, does a licensed fish packer need to leave fish in the round or with a patch of skin? Not LOL. There's one for all the internet detectives to ponder on !!

Before we all condemn these folks and try and shut down business's why don't we wait and see just what charges will be filed as it will be then a matter of public record.

I'm privied to a bit of inside info from a couple of 'suspects', 1 is kinda worried the other not !!


Here is the statute for fish packing:


Subdivision 1.License required; records.(a) A person engaged in a business providing services to a person taking fish may not prepare dressed game fish for shipment without a fish packer's license. The fish packer must maintain a permanent record of:

(1) the name, address, and license number of the shipper;

(2) the name and address of the consignee; and

(3) the number of each species and net weight of fish in the shipment.

(B) The records of the fish packer must be made available to an enforcement officer upon request.

Subd. 2.Rules.The commissioner may adopt rules establishing requirements for labeling and packing fish under a fish packer's license. The commissioner shall require only the license number of the fish packer, the name and license number of the angler or person who lawfully possesses the fish, the name of the lake on which the fish were caught, the species of fish, and the number of fish to appear on a label. The commissioner must not allow sauger to be labeled as walleye.


...here's the Rule.


Fish packed by a licensed fish packer must be packed and labeled in accordance with the following provisions:

§ A.A fish may not be reduced to more than two fillets.

§ B.A licensed fish packer may pack dressed fish with statewide length limits.

§ C.Each package of fish must be individually labeled by the licensed fish packer. The label must be marked legibly in ink and contain the following information:

§ (1)name and license number of the angler or person who lawfully possesses the fish, unless the person is exempt from the license requirement, which must be noted;

§ (2)license number of the fish packer who packed the fish; and

§ (3)contents of package, including species, number of fish, and body of water where taken.


Lets stop defending folks, guides and resorts in this case, that knowingly broke the law! These folks know the rules and regulations and should be held to a higher standard! Why, because they make a living off a resource that belongs to us all! Speeding!!!! Give me a break! If they encouraged customers to "double dip" or break any law, then it's time to pay the piper! We will just have to wait for all the "facts" to come out!


The Star Trib story mentioned double-dipping. Hard to call that a minor "mistake".


Easy to judge others shortcomings rather than think about what you have done yourself that was either illegal or immoral. Fortunate for most that it doesn't end up on the front page of the paper or we would all be screwed! Continue the new age mindset that everything is everyone's business and judge on!!!!!!!


So you consider poaching or breaking game and fish laws a "shortcoming!" Wow!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • CigarGuy
      My son got paid back for a good deed he did several years ago. He found a couple of expensive items at a boat ramp and called me asking what he should do.   I told him to bring them home because I was afraid if someone else found them, they might keep them. It was winter and nobody was around. This was when Facebook wasn't really popular yet, I was on several sites like this. First thing we did was make a big sign and posted it at the boat launch, then I posted it on all the forums I was on. Long story short, we never found the owner, but we sure tried. I know to this day, if either one of us found something, we'd do our best to get it back to the rightful owner.
    • Brianf.
      Yes, for sure.     A few years back, and unbeknownst to me, a piece of trim came off my sled while traveling over the lake.  A fellow sledder and complete stranger found the piece and followed my tracks all the way back to my cabin to return the lost item.  Couldn't thank him enough.  His kindness will never be forgotten and is something to which I aspire. 
    • Mike89
      I'll bet your son and his buddies did the happy dance!!!  
    • smurfy
      Sweet!!👍 there are still good people out there!
    • CigarGuy
      We got the auger back! The person who found it didn't want me to mention his name, we can't thank him enough! Still good, honest people around. He called Spring Bay Resort and asked if they heard of anyone losing an auger and they sent him a screenshot of my post. So, thanks to Dayis and Steve at Spring Bay Resort for that! Thanks again everyone for getting the auger back to us!
    • smurfy
      Hope your well on the way back to feeling bett5 bud!👍 Been able to avoid all the bugs going around so far 
    • monstermoose78
      Who’s been out? I got hit with the flu and am still recovering. 
    • CigarGuy
      That's what they're going to do. I always read these posts and wondered how people could lose or forget stuff, well it happens!
    • Wanderer
      Dang….  I know it’s your son, so kinda different, but I’d be expecting a replacement from those who lost it.  The group could each put in and wouldn’t hit one or another too bad.   But that’s just an old man’s thoughts….💭    Good luck.
    • CigarGuy
      So my son and buddies were out this morning fishing between Wakemup and H.O.L. Bays (probably between Metza's pt and Schmidt Island), so they had to cross the snowmobile trail to The Landing. Well,  MY Strikemaster 24 volt auger fell off the back of my sled.  They didn't realize it until they got back. If anyone found it, would be nice to get back...please and thank you. Good news is they had the battery in their pocket..... Dip $hits😡
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