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It was a great chance to learn and work together. Jonny P lost a back window and I bent the I bar on the red baron. Tony also enjoyed working as a team. Lets hope we never have that situation again. The wife said that Ford front end was 6 feet in the air before it came out. When Jonny stretched the tow rope out I hammered it and ducked down on the seat and went by feel as I was afraid if that rope snapped it would come right through my windshield.


I recognized you on top of that truck but where was the cigar? Was that a crowbar you were using?


Ya. I used a 6 foot bar to release the hitch lever while Cookie and Tony got in the back of the house and jumped up and down to get the hitch released. It was not a fancy operation but an effective one. smirk

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Looks I made the Cookie Report! Im the guy tryng to un hook the house. Yes that pour soul missed the bridge by a long ways. Luckily between Cookie, Tony, Kelly P and I we had him back on the road and headed for home safely for the price of a road fee.
You are the kinds of guys that make me even go out on lakes like Red or Mill Lacs. It's great knowing someone out there will come and bale our butts out when we make mistakes and need help!

Nice job guys! wink


Was the hitch lever pinned? If so, How'd you get that out? Again... Kudos to the trio!


Its was a ball and hitch. We dropped the fish house and then were able to release the house fron the hitch. Then the guy wanted to put the house back up but I had blue thunder hooked to it snd I pulled it away.

Larry Dan,David and Dustin headed home today with a mess of perch and 13 walleyes. They also caught a few to big. The best fishing was the first 3 hours they were here. They had a great time though and said we will see ya next year. I know they ate good as I missed out on a prime rib Dan was cooking last night. I dropped a small genze worm tip with a minnow in minnesota this morning and had a big fish on for about 10 seconds. It peeled out the 20 or so feet of line on the rattle wheel. With such little line on the rattle wheel I never had a chance, all though it did not get the lure it did get off. Oh well maybe next time


Lyle showed up wednesday while I was out of towm.He store his fish house here at my place so I gave him directions of where my houses were so he coule fish in that area. Lo and behold when I goy out there he was set up 26 paces form arizona. To funny I could care less How close he was but was hoping if he was a bit away he might find a better spot as there s so much ubfished out there its ridiculasfull-1934-17423-426010_357176497635164_1

They had 6 last night and needed two more before they leave this morning. I wanted to get a pic but they had fillet them up. I did mention they are not spose to do that but they played stupid I guess.

This weekend is the slowest of the seasom I have arizona monta and california rented the other two are empty. I plan on fishing minnesota after I move it today and will also sey florida up incase we get a last minute call with the temps dropping dowm to minus 20 tonight you naever know.

I decided to leave california where it was as its a freebe for a friend of a friend and had to reauger the holes and it was a good reminder why I would rather move a house then re auger as its tough on the body and tough on the auger. I will not be doing that again. Dan mel and thetre friends are coming up and Dan is going to cut down some trees for me in return for using montana so thats a good deal as a logger I talked to wanted 1500 dollars.

After the weekend I have another slow week tell thursday when my bro comes in with 3 buddies from chicago.It will be nice to see him and should be a good time. Arizona is open the 17th 18th and florida and arizona are open the last weekend of walleye season.


With two houses empty making the rounds this morning went quick..I also was able to stop and talk to a few other fishermen. All had about the same 2 to 4 keeper fish since yesterday. A couple to big and few perch mixed in. I talk to two different people fishing in shallow and they each had caught one today. Arizona had 4 this morning, Montana had 2 and they landed a 35 inch pike this morning. California did horrible and second guessing I should of moved it but I just had to know if it was burned out in that spot. Ralph brother is spearing over by the pressure ridge and saw a walleye. While I was there I saw a perch. I sure would like to just fish in a dark house like that as it would be like fishing in a aquarieum.

I'm now headed out to drop a line in minnesota after I work on the red baron for a few minutes.


Chalk up another weekend. Arizona did the best this weekend. Ben and Julie and the kids were gone saunday morning before I could go say good bye. So no idea how they did saturday night.

Dan @ Greg did a outstanding job cutting down the trees I needed taken down on our lakeshore. I'll have plenty of cleanup to do once walleye season closes. We cut down atleast 20 big trees with a couple huge basswood and ash I beleave? Now I will be able to store the house's on higher ground.Mel and Peanuts have fished hard in montana while the guys worked and since they landed that big pike saturday morning it has been slow with just a perch here and there.

Ralfh and his friends were in california. I knew a Ralfh once and he legaly changed his name to Lee.

They did not do well at all but had a good time. Since they did not do well They had onion rings with there beer batter. They had a small dark house and tried spearing. Ralph did see one pike in the 30s. They also saw a walleye or two so I may bring a hous over to that area.

I spent two brief evenings in minnesota. The first night I just used the gas lights and no power. Never marked a fish .Saturday eve I had the generator going 20 feet from the house. I had all the lights on and a movie going on the dvd. I ended up catching 6 fish 3 walleyes and 3 perch . 2 keepers and one to small%7Boption%7D

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I still may have a chance at a crappie there and I will be in and out of minnesota alll week before I move it.

All 5 house's will be moved this weeek. Warren and his pals roll in thursday from chicago,Peg and Jim will be here wednesday and thursday for montana.


Headed out to check on Ken, Scott and Wendall in florida. They had to nice 16 when I arrived. I walked in set down jigged Wendals rod and had a fish on. Missed him got down another minnow and nailed a nice 16 1/4. Scott and Ken were both marking fish while I visited. Ken got another 16 and missed another at the hole. Then Scott nailed one so just like that were up to 5.


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Gregs early morning pike on his noodle rod


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not saying this guy isnt ( nice fish ) but some people i see using a gaff on a fish thats getting released need some education on a proper way to use a gaff. i personally try not to use them unless the situation really calls for it.. i allways take my time with it and try to get it right under the front of the bottom jaw.. i watched a guy few weeks ago that made 3 wacks at the fish gouging his head untill he got it.. sadly not sure the fish made it after that. i allso try not to lay the pike on the ice if i can help it. i thinks thats why u see so many pike with a clouded eye, there eye freezes on the ice.. i really try to be carefull with big pike ... by the way nice fish ( no blood is allways a good sighn)


Gaffing a fish you mean to release? Really? Thats a new one to me, obviously it's bleeding some...I just can't see that thats a good pratice.


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which begs the question...is it over 44"?


I'm sure in the excitment you want to see the fish and do not think about the consquences of damaging the fish with a gaff. I think it was 36 and lets hope it survives. Earlier this year Ty was up and they landed a 46 with out a gaff and the kid that grabbed it had some nasty wounds on his hand.. Most fishermen that visit red lake and tie into a big pike becomes the biggest fish they have ever caught


The wife Kellie and I spent 3 1/2 hours fishing in minnesota last night and having valentines dinner. The dinner was wacking ,shrimp,baked potato and broc;y.We enjoyed watching the movie Money ball which the wife liked witch surprised me

.We each even managed to catch a keeper a piece.

Today I will be moving florida and minnesota to new spots as my brother will be arriving from chicago tomorrow. California and montana will be together for Bob and his sister.

Peg and Jim arrive today for montana and will be here two nights. I'm thinking of moving arizona next to the north shore pressure ridge .

I would like to find a spot a little deeper for California and montana next to rough ice for the weekend as Bob is a dedicated fishermen and will be pounding the ice for two days looking for a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie.

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Peg and Jim did real well in montana and peg even lost a crappie at the hole. Minnesota nd florida are together and Kay and gary fish in florida for the late afteernoon yesterday. They ended up taking home 5 perch and 2 walleyes which makes this a great spot as they never do that well.

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So far the weekend is going real well. My brother has not driven me to drihk and everybody is catching a couple of fish. I'm headed out to move arizona and get it ready for Dave and his wife. Boy are they going to have the room a 5 man sleeper with 2 people. Tomorrow morning when warren and his crew leave I will be humping butt as I prep and move minnesota and florida before The wifes brothers and sister roll in for two days.

A couple pics from the weekend so far

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My brother just hit the road. They ended up taking 4 limits home and had a great time. I will be heading out shortly to move minnesota and florida before the wife brothers and sister roll in.

Bob and Tony were pounding the rough ice behind montana and california yesterday and doing real well. Tony, Kristy and maddison and will be going home with 12 nice keepers.Bob stef and the boys are here one more day .Lets hope bob can find a crappie or two. Dave and his wife had one when I stopped at arizona last night and I will see how there doing when I head out in a bit


Wow have i been busy. The wife sister and brothers did not do as well and went home with 8 keepers plus a dozen perch. We got dumped on with snow monday night and tuesday and wednesday were spent opening up the main road and the trails running to my houses. Tuesday I took the red baron to the houses to make sure there was not flooding from the drift and buried the red baron. I guess I should of called somone as it took me a hour and half to dig out and it wiped me out. I was totaly drained. Yesterday I spent the day moving snow and moving montana and california to new spots. Today I will prep montana for Julie and her husband and then get the other 3 houses moved for the final weekend of walleye.

Jake will be up tonight chasing crappie for two days so I will be cutting a few trails for him.


Wow what a ending to the walleye season. Florida with Jim, Sten and Dusty pounded the walleyes and Sten figures they caught 40 walleyes in less then 24 hours. Minnesota also pounded fish .Montana did not do quite as well. California and arizona also did not do as well as it seemed friday into early saturday the fish were just snapping. Nahten and Al checked into florida late saturday afternoon and got there 8 plus nate landed a 34 inch pike yesterday in the snow storm. All in all it was a great final weekend for walleye.

I would like to thank Hillmens/Buddy Hillmen for letting me go out of his resort/camp ground and it sure has been rewarding working on one of the best ice roads on red lake. For some reason I had a couple customers try and slide by with out paying there road passes this season. Please if your getting a house from me get the road pass before we hit the lake as it looks bad on me and I do not appreciate some one trying to scam out of 10 bucks. The walleye fishing was spectacular in my books this year and I'am all ready looking forward to next winter.

Another special thanks goes out to all my customers Thanks so much and I hope to here from everyone again next walleye season.

Now the plan is to chase perch and the elusive upper red lake crapppie for a few weeks and vacation in old minnesota on the ice.

A few pics from the weekend







Here on upper red lake we got pounded with snow yesterday. Unbeleavable,totaly unpredicted. At least 6 inches. If there was a weather man standing here I would slap him up side the head :bonk: I will be spending most of the day reopening the hillmens main road instead of fishing like I had planned. Then plowing out my houses which i would of moved had I known there was going to be this much snow. Jake and Jonny are going to fish the fish eye all day. Once I'm done working to day I will be fishing old minnesota watching lord of the rings triolgy.


Jake and Jonny are going to fish the fish eye all day.

Just to be clear as I was already called and asked why I did not have time to go a basketball tournament but had time to go fishing all day; it's a different John.


This mother nature is no unpredictable, should be fun getting my last 2 houses off. More money on gas and time, my fault I guess. If I would have pulled off it wouldnt snow another inch, leave them on and it snows a foot. Thats how it works. At least its two and not six in different locations. Well I guess it an oppurtunity to chase a few fish. Good luck cookie on chasing some slabs hope you get into them.


OOps John is my son and jake is a friend.


OOps John is my son and jake is a friend.

LOL, ya I know. Got me in trouble! eek


Gotta be careful Jonny, paparazzi around every corner trying to get the big scoop. It comes with Star Power..... cool


Jake and Jonny are going to fish the fish eye all day.

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    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  There is still some ice fishing taking place in a few areas of the lake along the south shore but most resorts and outfitters have pulled their fish houses and called it a good year.  Make sure to call ahead to the resort or outfitter for current conditions if you plan on getting on the ice.  Safety first always.   For those still fishing, some are still targeting walleyes.  There continues to be a good morning / evening bite along the south shore just prior to sunset.  Quality fish are being caught in a number of areas.     Most still ice fishing are targeting trophy pike.  It was another great week with some big fish caught.  Another week of big fish tipping that 40 inch mark with big girths.  Suckers, frozen alewife and smelt set about a foot under the ice or just off of the bottom have proven effective.   On the Rainy River...  Spring open water fishing has begun!  The Rainy River is open in many areas and as of Monday, March 31st, there are two boat ramps open.  The Nelson Park boat ramp in Birchdale and the Frontier Access (about 8 miles to the west of Nelson Park) are both clear of ice.  Boats are running the river and the ice pack is deteriorating by the day.   Initial reports for walleyes are very good with some big fish being caught.  Most are jigging with either plastics or minnows.  Use bright plastics such as chartreuse, orange, pink and white.  for minnows, emerald shiners, fatheads and rainbows have all been productive.     Trolling crankbaits against the current is also effective and will catch fish.  This is also a good technique to cover water if you are not on fish. Rainy River walleye fishing is catch and release from March 1st through April 14th on Four Mile Bay and the Rainy River.  Initial reports for sturgeon are also good.  Anchored up in a hole or on the slope of a hole with a no roll sinker and sturgeon rig is the ticket.  Lots of walleye anglers reporting sturgeon hookups as well.  Here are the seasons for sturgeon fishing...   -Catch and Release Season: May 8th – May 15th and October 1 – April 23rd. -Harvest Season: April 24th – May 7th and July 1 – September 30. -Closed Season: May 16th – June 30th. Up at the Northwest Angle...  It has been a great ice fishing year up at the Angle.  While there are a few locals still getting out, resorts have pulled off their fish houses and called it a year.     Plan for the MN Fishing Opener which is Saturday, May 10, 2025! The walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well.  You can fish for sturgeon through May 15th.    
    • leech~~
      Nice fish, you put in the time for it, it sounds like!  😀   Oh Wanderer wanted me to ask.  How was the slush?  🤣
    • Hookmaster
      Congrats on your lake trout, JerkinLips!! Your persistence paid off!! Don't know the regs up there, are you able to keep a few?
    • MikeG3Boat
      How about April 27th
    • Mike89
      awesome for you!!   👍
    • leech~~
      Yep those went down the hatch! 😋
    • JerkinLips
      Took my last ice fishing trip of the season to Burntside on Thursday.  Went out on the snowmobile to fish better spots.  I waited until daylight to go out so I wouldn't get lost or run into open water.  When I got to my destination I discovered that the battery fell off of my Ion auger on the trip out (I won't make that mistake again).  I backtracked all the way back to the landing before finding it on the ice.   I got my lines in the water just before sunrise and caught a 24 inch lake trout 45 minutes later.  Always exciting watching the lake trout peel line off of the tip-up with their strong runs.  He quit running with the pike sucker soon after I took the video and I thought it may have dropped the minnow.  Pulling the line in by hand I could feel it still on so I set the hook and caught it on the lip.  Think I caught it before it was going to swallow the minnow and take its 3rd and final run.  Was nice to finally catch a laker on Burntside again after 5 straight trips getting skunked.   It was a beautiful day on the ice with good ice conditions, warm weather, and fairly calm winds.  The creel survey guy stopped and checked on me.  He said I was the only one he saw fishing on Burntside that day.  He said that most anglers he checked on Burntside that winter were skunked for lake trout, so I guess it was just not my problem alone.   20250327_072410.mp4
    • Mike89
      hush puppies I like!!  
    • leech~~
      But, the deep fried Okra went in the trash can.  I've tried it a few times and it's just not for me.  Neither is Grits, chittlins, or crackling!  🤮
    • Mike89
      hope you finished it!!   WOW!!   that looks huge!!!   but good eats!!   Yep, my buddy ordered one too so it was Game on!  😋
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