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Your welcome soldomcass.Yesterday was a busy day as all thehouses needed to be moved due to the high winds the drifts had created quite a bit of weight around the housesfull-1934-15735-385419_332581030094711_1

I was able to move old minnesota, california and montana. Arizona I had not augered so I just moved the snow.Hind sight I should of just moved the house it would of been cheaper less gas thne moving al that snow. Florida willl be moved today.

Ben and Shawna Rolled in yesterday around 3. They are in old minnesota the house that Ben propsed to Shawna in. When I stopped to check in on them Ben had just released a 41 inch pike. Jeff started in montana while I moved california. When I went to have him switch houses he had 3 keepers in the bucket. I had no choice but to move montana as the weight of the snow had caused some flooding in all my shacks.

Atleast theyare not frozen in. heres a few pics from the weekend.






All the houses have now been moved to fresh spots. I was able to move 3 on monday and florida yesterday. The fishing was a bit slower yuesterday afteernoon but Ben landed a nother pike a 36 incher. Thats 3 feet of fish.

My collage studenets arrived amanda,heidi,harris,parker ,cody,travis and dylon. The girls were outfishing the guys when I left the lake last night. They fished milacs last year and caught 5 fish,they had all ready passed that mark before I came off the lake.

Jeff left a day early ? Not sure what happen.I had him fish in montana and spend the night in california.Then yesterday moved him to arizona. I arrived to fix the gs lights and he said if I'm working in here he's leaving? i told him I had to fix it to have lite?

Mike from "Teamiceheave" and his gal are in montana they had caght a few fish but were not banging them out. They leave today and I will move montana to a fresh spot for the next fishermen.

Yesterday was another wondeful day on the ice.With a awesome sunrise.

I spent the late afternoon cleaning up the drifted snow around buddy Hillmen's bridge. They sure make one heck of a road and I look forward to hepling out all winter long. I put blue thunder through a workout yesterday and need to check all the bolts before I do any more plowing.

Today I will also spend time detailing arizona as it is a mess. Once its cleaned up it should be a pretty nice 5 man sleeper.

We still have two sleepers open for the up and coming weekend 6th, 7th. It sure would be nice to have fishernmen in them as once the weekends gone I can not make it up untell next year.


Yesterday I started off the day with a spectacular sunrise.


The college kids had a blast with the rattle wheels yesterday and the night before. they had never fished ratlle wheeels and sure got a kick out of them. the weather was so nice yesterday they had tip ups for walleyes all over the place. Even if the fishing is great Ii will have to move the houses tomorrow when they leave as there are just to many holes in the area to walk around after dark.

Ben and Shawna are here one more night and have enjoyed there 4 day vacation on the ice. They have not been to shore yet as they have everything they need right there in old minnesota.

Mike and his gal will be leaving today with there 8 fish and also have enjoyed there stay. Mike does some guiding with teamiceheave.co. I met them a few years back when they were fishing in some bad weather.I stopped to talk to them and told them if they wanted they could get out of the elements and fish in idaho. Boy were they surprised when they got to fish and watch the vikings game at the same time. I have to go now as the daughter has to work at north country town and fuel and I have to go watch the baby and get jacob off to school.full-1934-15923-401051_333549956664485_1

We did end up filling up the houses for the weekend . I have a busy couple of days as I finish getting arizona ready for friday. I caught a 23 incher out there yesterday while I was working on the lights. Wes comes for montana friday 8am so I need to clean, prep and move to fresh ice. All 5 houses also need new 100 lbs propanes

. California,florida and minnesota will have to be moved friday as minnesota has been fished hard for 4 days and I do not expect the house will get any better then it did the first couple nights.


Appreciate all your hard work on Arizona Cookie, that's our group coming in there tomorrow...we are ready!


Well remember its a house in progresss so anything that comes up It need to be addressed so speak up. See ya tomorrow around 11am?


11 am is the plan, I'll call when we get into town to update you further. We'll speak up if the house needs work, but from everything I read about your operation I'm sure its going to be just fine.


Happy birthday Cookie! I always enjoy reading your reports.....hope you get to enjoy some of your day.......


Happy birthday cookie!!! I'll be up soon!!!!


Mike and Becky headed home yesterday ywith there 8 fish. They had deccent fishingand had a ction through out there stay.

Ben and Shawna have ebjoyed there dtay abd had some great action from 8pm tell midnight wednesday night, They have caught well over 60 fish counting all the perch.The college kids worked the north cribs yesterday and had action all day long.

I landed a nice keeper when I was prepping arizona and have high hopes for that area. Such high hopes I moved montana into the area.

Minnesota will stay atleast one more night as I get califormia and florida moved today.

I have such another busy day today I am hitting the lake before day light today.Arizona is a house that use to belong to Jeff and I do not think it had ever been vacumed since it was built? Wow sure has turned into a chore gettting it ready but will be worth it to have a 5 man sleeper.

I'm sure theres some more bugs to work out and we will take it one day at a time;


Said goodbye to all my fishermen yesterday morning. The colleage kids said they will be back next year. I then got busy finishing arizona for Ryan and his crew. Wes rolled in 8 am sharp and I got them settled in and continued to work in arizona. Just as I buttoned that one up Tim and his buddy arrived for one day in minnesotaas as well as the guys in arizona. Once I had evryone settled in I moved florida and prepped her out and then took california out deeper. Tony did not show for california so I did not auger the holes and headed off the lake. Ted and his buddy rolled in just after dark. As I met them at hillmens it had snowed a dusting and the wind was howling. I knew before we hit the lake that finding florida in the dark was going to be a challenge and sure enough as soon as I hit the lake the landscape had changed do to the blowing wind. It took a few extra minutes to find the house but I managed to find it and get them settled in. Then it was off to do the rounds for the eve. Tim landed a 38 inch pike while greg was in town and did not have a camera. Montana and arizona both had slow bites all day with each house only having 3 keepers. Greg landed a fat 23 while I was in old minneota and a small scuffit plus tim missed two bites. Back to florida and the guys were all settled in and hoping for a good bite.

Thursday nights sunsetfull-1934-16013-407274_334369089915905_1


Just took a long drive coming back from doing propanes and it is in sane out there. Looks like the crappie boom alll over again.There are houses every which way you look.


Yeah houses everywhere but any keeper eyes?


I did see a few keepers and one elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie caught at 2pm



Poor bastard wanted to commit suicide wink


wow have I been busy . The fishing was so so last weekend with a couple of the houses having fish for dinner. The guys in arizona had 9 in there bucket saturday night and were gone when I got out there friday morning. All the house did all right with a fish here and there and no paticular times. had fish with lee in minnesota last night and he is going the do some more scoutting for me today.

Tim and Ted were two great guys that enjoyed there stay. They were quite the two and I have no idea how many fish they caught .I know they ate fish every day but had no plans of bringing home fish. Moving houses for the weekend is keepeing me busy. Doing chores for the farmer for the next 3 days also .I'm still happy with the fishing in the area I'm working at this time and do not plan on any big moves


Lee headed home today after doing some scouting for me and checking Anthony and Nick into florida while I made a run to blackduck. When I got back home I rushed out to move and prep montana for Jeff and his crew. I then headed over to visit the guys in florida while I waited for Jeff to call.I gave up around 6:30 and wrote them off as a no show.

The guys had two keepers in the bucket.

3 more days of helping with the chores and I hope to get back in sink .There talking snow and wind tomorrow. That should make things interesting as I have become quite spoiled with this nice weather. tomorrow red lake will be showing her ugly side. Of course I have not gotten the fuel tank dropped out of the red baron while its been nice. Have to wait tell the cold hurts the fingers .

I will be spending the rest of the week doing chores and moving the house to fresh ice for the up and coming weekend. heres a few pics from ben a nd shawna stay in old minnesota.


A couple of more pics from the past few days.




the guys from wes forgot? did not clean up eeerrr


Its not always about the fishing.full-1934-16172-396014_332302766789204_1






Cookie: Aahhh to be young again, and not a care in the world. But we still have our memories, they will last forever....... laugh



Nice pics, there has been some nice fish caught this year. Looks like the family had all the comforts of home and had the opportunity of some good fishing.


I only had two fishermen out there the last two nights. Anthony and Nick. The first night they sadi the rattle wheels went off 7 or 8 times and they got one keeper and missed th erest. I was like dudes you needed to get out ofbed and Jig. Nick sdia they were to tired so lets hope if they had a run last night they got after it a bit.

I was able to move arizona and montana yesterday. I was hoping to leave florida on the same spot but may have to move it today since it has been fished three night by two different groups.

Minnesota will have Pat for 3 days so I will have them fish it the first day where it is and then we may move it saturday or sunday. Caifornia will be used as a day house friday, saturday, sunday and no one has spent the night in it where it is so it will stay where it is for now.

The fishing sure had been better then last year and lets hope that continues. Its nice to see fish coming out of the houses. I'm surprised I have not heard from Jill and her creww as they have been coming up for quite a few years.


Cookie, this is Ku-Ku, its been a while since I have been up to red, but looks like my mille Lacs permanent is still sitting on the shore, so I might have to hit you up for a quick trip up there. Your reports are giving me the red lake itch. great to see you are doing well.


Hey Ku Ku I can still see in my head you walking back to the shack bundled up carring all those crappies. If I could paint it would be a great pic.

Took the grandson jake fishing tonight


We arrived at old minnesota just before dark. I threw a pizza in and we had some pop and pizza. i was the first one to land a fis with a chubby darter. Gotta love those salmos'


I ended up catching three to jakob's one.

Jake rolled in around 830 after being lost for a bit out there. He landed a nice keeper and one to big In the fishhouse


Nick and anthony took off around noon with there 8. It sounded like they would be back next year. Thats great news as thats what I strive for


Heading up for our virgin URL trip.....we got a crew from mpls going to lake of woods, so thankfully for cookie, we are gonna kill a couple hours waiting for them.

Excited to try URL....im on ottertail, as the 2 comparable at all.


2 solid eyes, lots of jumbo perch..So far...time for 1 last run at sunset. Cookies the man!


Ku-Ku carring those crappies back to his fish house in his arms is a memeory I will never forget from Upper Red Lake. I can still see his face like it happened yesterday.


I was there during the crappie boom time, and it almost felt like the crappie boom time. Its was not fast and furious but when you were on time, they bit. That memory will also be in grained in my head forever. I think that time we almost limited on crappies for four people. We caught 35 slabbers that time. Good times, good times. Im going to talk to my crew and see if I can set up something.

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    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  There is still some ice fishing taking place in a few areas of the lake along the south shore but most resorts and outfitters have pulled their fish houses and called it a good year.  Make sure to call ahead to the resort or outfitter for current conditions if you plan on getting on the ice.  Safety first always.   For those still fishing, some are still targeting walleyes.  There continues to be a good morning / evening bite along the south shore just prior to sunset.  Quality fish are being caught in a number of areas.     Most still ice fishing are targeting trophy pike.  It was another great week with some big fish caught.  Another week of big fish tipping that 40 inch mark with big girths.  Suckers, frozen alewife and smelt set about a foot under the ice or just off of the bottom have proven effective.   On the Rainy River...  Spring open water fishing has begun!  The Rainy River is open in many areas and as of Monday, March 31st, there are two boat ramps open.  The Nelson Park boat ramp in Birchdale and the Frontier Access (about 8 miles to the west of Nelson Park) are both clear of ice.  Boats are running the river and the ice pack is deteriorating by the day.   Initial reports for walleyes are very good with some big fish being caught.  Most are jigging with either plastics or minnows.  Use bright plastics such as chartreuse, orange, pink and white.  for minnows, emerald shiners, fatheads and rainbows have all been productive.     Trolling crankbaits against the current is also effective and will catch fish.  This is also a good technique to cover water if you are not on fish. Rainy River walleye fishing is catch and release from March 1st through April 14th on Four Mile Bay and the Rainy River.  Initial reports for sturgeon are also good.  Anchored up in a hole or on the slope of a hole with a no roll sinker and sturgeon rig is the ticket.  Lots of walleye anglers reporting sturgeon hookups as well.  Here are the seasons for sturgeon fishing...   -Catch and Release Season: May 8th – May 15th and October 1 – April 23rd. -Harvest Season: April 24th – May 7th and July 1 – September 30. -Closed Season: May 16th – June 30th. Up at the Northwest Angle...  It has been a great ice fishing year up at the Angle.  While there are a few locals still getting out, resorts have pulled off their fish houses and called it a year.     Plan for the MN Fishing Opener which is Saturday, May 10, 2025! The walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well.  You can fish for sturgeon through May 15th.    
    • leech~~
      Nice fish, you put in the time for it, it sounds like!  😀   Oh Wanderer wanted me to ask.  How was the slush?  🤣
    • Hookmaster
      Congrats on your lake trout, JerkinLips!! Your persistence paid off!! Don't know the regs up there, are you able to keep a few?
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      How about April 27th
    • Mike89
      awesome for you!!   👍
    • leech~~
      Yep those went down the hatch! 😋
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    • Mike89
      hush puppies I like!!  
    • leech~~
      But, the deep fried Okra went in the trash can.  I've tried it a few times and it's just not for me.  Neither is Grits, chittlins, or crackling!  🤮
    • Mike89
      hope you finished it!!   WOW!!   that looks huge!!!   but good eats!!   Yep, my buddy ordered one too so it was Game on!  😋
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