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Backcountry Bruiser!


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On the first day of my Colorado trip, we decided to take a hike into a remote area, we had fished the year before with great success. What we would witness this year would be somewhat different than last year. Although the river hadn't changed much, the inhabitants had. We arrived at our favorite spot in this river with high hopes. We were throwing "Big & Ugly" #8 Yellow stimulators, and the Rainbows were loving them, but at our favorite hole we changed it up a bit and went weighted Wollybuggers. After landing several 14-16 inch fish my buddy turned the hole over to me. I casted in my large black Wolly, and WHAM! fish on-and gone! This was a better fish than we'd caught up to this point, and he showed his muscle with a quick break off! Several more casts would not get the big guy back to feed, we let the spot rest and returned an hour later....he was nowhere to be found. We werent ready to give up on him yet, we let the river rest and returned 2 days later, we knew he was going to be in the same spot, and all of us wanted him in the net! After having him attack my buddies Leach pattern, and get off after a short battle we were sure he would elude us once again. My friend Steve was determined to get "Troutzilla" in hand and stayed in the hole as we moved on to new spots. After returning to the hole Steve said he could see the big fish rising in the eddy on the far bank! He motioned me to wade out and see for myself....sure enough there were several large fish taking some sort of dries off the top (I think spinner fall) Steve gave me the hole and I quickey landed a solid Rainbow, but not our target fish. Steve and Brian decided to leave and head back tward the mouth of the river, I decided to stay and try to get one last shot at him. I threw several different patterns at him with no luck. I could see him come from behind the log at the far end of the eddie and sip from the surface. I decided to try one other pattern, and #14 Lt Cahill parachute, after about the 3rd cast, he appeared and took it, I set into him and it was a battle! he had me wrapped up around logs, and took me from top to bottom of his hole, I fianlly landed him and it was over, I had "Troutzilla" I ran as fast as I could with him in the net to the mouth of the river to get a few quick pics, and to show them I had got him! The pic isnt the best, but it gives you an idea of his size, he was 22+ on the tape measure. A great fish on a dry fly! He was released to grow larger, and challenge us next year!


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