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after spending the weekend on water with no current I really feel that the river is all I really want to fish. Its not that I felt out of my elemant but it just wasnt right at least until there is hardwater. you guys ever get the missing the river Blues?

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Well after the one and only lake trip of the year ya I need my river.

I have ADHD and like my water the same way.

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I quit the river weeks ago and went back to the lakes. The panfish and eye bite has been wonderful for a few weeks now. After the spawn, if there is any water left in the Minnesota, then I may hit it again.

Seems I lost almost all of my intereste in the river this summer.

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yep, I know exactly how you feel elwood.

I haven't fished still water yet this year laugh

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I love river fishing to much to go back to the lakes, hot day u get more out of the river then the lake, there is something about the Mn river,

P.s. Flats are Biting really good from from 9 untill 12 then slow

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