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Two of the flats I caught last night were showing definite spawning marks. Aanderude didn't even curse my boat during the spawn.

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What does spawn time mean for flathead fishing? Does is slow down, speed up, or get goofy? Kind of a newbie here.....

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yep slows down completely. Makes for a hard time catching anything of size.

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A good time to hit the area lakes for some eye and panfish action for a week or so.

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I can't believe that even I could not slow down the bite in Ed's boat. Last night (Thursday), I think we boated 5 (3 for Ed and 2 for me), and we missed another 4-5 (1-2 for ed, 3 for me).

Here's a little story about the night, wondering if anyone else is seeing "slow eating" flatheads lately.

My first bite hit like a regular flathead -- THUMP -- but for the life of me I couldn't tell if he was there when I picked up my rod. I was on the phone and I kept saying "well I have to get this fish, just a minute....no it's just my bait down there still...no it might be a fish....nah, it's my bait." By the time I got done dinking around figuring out if it was a fish or not, it was probably a good minute after the initial hit. I set the hook and reeled in a TINY 18 incher (which is why it felt like bait smile ). Then Ed gets one not more than 45 seconds later that was munching on it for a solid 45 seconds prior to his hookset. Neither of these fish were gut hooked by any means, even after that long delay.

Then I missed 3 in a row!!! I was setting the hook right when I felt the fish. I think this was WAY too early. Ed advised me that the last couple times he's been out he has let them take it longer than normal. He also reminded me that the 2 fish we had already boated were also on delayed hooksets (mine unintentionally delayed due to my indecisiveness, and his intentional).

Ed boated 2 more fish in the meantime. On my next chance, I went for the "let him take it a mile" strategy, and got my biggest fish of the season so far. Not a huge one, but a respectable 36 incher.

Overall it was a very good night -- 5 fish in the boat with a couple of 36 inchers is nothing to skoff at....but it could have been a GREAT night had I not missed those 3 in a row. Well that and if Ed hadn't broken off on the biggest fish of the night. wink

Thanks for the fun time, Ed. It's always a good time fishin with you, whether we catch any or not...have to do it again soon. Maybe next time we can get into some sheepshead and turtles too smile

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Hard to say for sure what is going on because some people are still pulling up big ones and most are getting skunked. I have only had two small Flatheads since I caught that 45" fish two-three weeks ago. Been slow for me...

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I've noticed some slow eating flats as well aanderud, especially when fishing snags I've had a few fish take out on a few feet and then just sit.

Lots of smaller fish in my boat over the week we boated 9 in three trips and the biggest was maybe 10lbs

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Channels were on a tear today. Nothing like earlier this year, but we still boated 6 a piece in a couple hrs midday

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