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Is it do-able?

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Our group is going up to Oak Island again this year and one of our guys went and got himself a DUI. We're banking on him not getting across by driving, but is it sane to think that we would be able to boat from The Angle back to the US to pick him up for the week, or is that a ridiculous thought? I know it is a LONG way to go, but is it even doable?

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Weather permiting it's doable. I've done it a few times over the years in 16-17 foot kickboats when the weather was for sure going to be fair. Bigger, stronger, faster boat highly reccomended though!!

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I think a guy runs a Sportcraft from the south shore to the angle a couple times a week--might be another option. I believe it's the guy that sank his boat in front of Arnesens last year when it was getting towed in. Maybe someone on here will know.

Fisky, did you get my email reply with SS phone #? Things work out?

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Yepper got the e and just replied!! I may be looking at a planB for opener after today!!!

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It is very doable, weather permitting. My google earth shows its 32.5 miles from the river to oak so it is a long ride. I saw on due north outdoors that sportsmans runs some charters up to the island.

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Call Sportsman's Resort. They also have a Resort on Oak, Old Bonti Brays, and I sure they run a boat out as they do with Bombers in the winter... Kaz

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Fords guide service runs a transport service talk to the resort you are with they will work it out hes alot cheaper than Sportsmans

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I believe you can contact Canada about the DUI prior to going up there and they will give him a pass if he pays them off I mean a fee. U.S. Customs may be able to give you the inside scope on this. Don't know how long that process takes or if it is option in your case but something for the guy to consider in the future.

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This site has a list of thing you need to do if you are going through Canada to the Angle.

It states you need to apply AT LEAST a year before the trip to make sure you get a reply back.

Border Crossing Requirments

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Canada has some really tough laws on the DU's. It is considered a felony in Canada. If memory serves me correct I don't believe you can even have any alcohol in the boat in Canadian waters.

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Bturck - you are correct - beer in the boat - they consdier it an open bottle.

I have been going up to canada with a guy who has a dui for years - we don't drive his truck and he just shows his passport. Works like a charm.

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Absolutely it works if they don't run his license. eek take all precautions to not get checked and he will be fine. Tips on not getting checked: look presentable (shave), be prepared for border questions, do not try to be a comedian, answer questions that they ask - do not "add lib", drive with family preferrably older people. Driving with buddies that are 25 -40yrs old is more risky. These are just things that we do to ease our trips. I think they think that if you go with family you are less likely to get trashed and out of control. Never could figure out why if you weren't in the "DUI's" car with him/her driving why it matters they have a DUI.

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It matters to them because they only know your not driving at the border, what about when you leave there?

The best possible way to go across the border is go by Canada's laws when in Canada. Everything you could possibly do to get across that border illegally they have seen many times before.

Some rules to go by:

1. if you have a recent DUI (within 5yrs) dose not really pay to try.

2. 5 to 12 yrs you can buy your way in, depending on money exchange, around 200.00.

3. Over 12 yrs, simply call them ahead of time and tell them your coming.

I cross the boarder at both Warroad and Roseau several times a yr. Most always it is not a problem. When they do ask specific questions, answer with a direct answer. If they do not allow you in it's because they don't want you there. Seems harsh but, it's their country. have fun fishing and be safe!!

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I understand it matters to the beaurocrats that made the law and it is always best practice to follow the law, no matter what. BUt the question in hand was, "is it doable to cross". We do these border things not because we are hiding anything but because it makes our trips smoother.(never been searched and sometimes doen't even take the driver's license out of our hand in 8 years going - nock on wood) I was just saying, it is only a problem to cross with a DUI if they run your license. (that is why the previous poster had not had problems with his buddy for years crossing). NOt ripping Canada . But I bet most Canadians if polled would not give a rip if you went fishing in Canada with a DUI from 5 years ago.

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Back to the question..."is it do-able to boat from the South shore to Oak Island."


Its done on all decent-weather days by folks with larger boats from Warroad, Rocky Point and Long Point and other places too. Nice to have a map chip...then set your course and follow the line.

I've done it several times.

Even drove it in a pretty good storm once. Just plan to run the "pick up and drop off" in the early AM or late PM when the wind will most-likely be down.

There are several guide services that will give your friend a ride (for a bit of cash).

Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any 'boat rides' from international falls to the other side? Darn DUI's

Different situation. Going from long point to oak island on LOTW you stay in US waters/land all the way, so you never enter Ontario.

This allows a person to bypass the border crossing issues.

On Rainy, there is no "US side" once you cross the border.

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It darn well better be possible as a group of 12 of us are leaving from Long Point to Oak Island Saturday Morning

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Ya its do-able in a small boat when its calm, I run transports 7 days a week in a 25ft. sporty I run from rocky point if you need a ride drop me a line. Chris

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to be crossing the border on July 4th in my vehicle (International Falls) heading to Nestor Falls. I have a friend with a DUI offense that is 4.5 years old that is also making the trip with me. I was wondering a few things.

Is crossing on the 4th of July pretty busy?

Are the chances pretty high that we would be turned down due to his offense?

Are there any steps that can be taken to assure he enters the border safely?

Thanks guys.


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Wouldn't want to get nabbed for that, as it could cost alot of money. Also is a form of smuggling.

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The 4th may just be the busiest weekend of the year eh.

4.5 years the guy can't even buy his way in with a pay for pardon pass. My guess is he will get turned around? Maybe not iffin he is'nt driving, just shows them his passport and the border agent is'nt too nosey beyond that.

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According to the resort I just talked to they are dead over the 4th of July..always are apparently...I would no way plan on making it over the border with your buddy and a 4 1/2 year old DWI...I would bet he will NOT get over and it will ruin your trip...they have stepped up checks substantially over the last few years...If he does go he better drive seperately or make some alternate plans to fish Rainy or the U.S side of LOW..not a bad backup plan..

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That's some bad news. This trip has been a good 10 months in the process and I would hate to lose my deposit because my buddy got a DWI over 4 years ago. Looks like an alternate plan might be in the works. I imagine it'll be pretty tough finding any occupancy around that time and at this short of notice. Thanks for the replies guys. I appreciate it.

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Your friend will not get in with a four year old DUI. The Canadians now have access to drivers license abstracts from every state (these are different from your drivers license record where only the past five years show up - these show every offense no matter how old) I was stopped at the border for a 35 year old offence, and cannot get back in because the paper work from my offence no longer exists. I would check with who you are staying with, there are boats constantly going to and from the angle carrying bait and supplies. Perhaps he could get a ride with a boat going to the angle, they stay in american water because they are carrying american bait.

Just a thought, good luck.

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I've heard about these boats that make the trip on American water offering rides. I am not familiar with the angle or the US side of LOTW....but how would that work out if our resort is in Nestor Falls? Is the water all American water but the land being dropped off on is Canadian? Anyone care to chime in on how this process works? Ideally, if we can get to Nestor Falls I'd like to stick with it.

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If you are in Canadian waters and do not have a remote border pass or have not cleared Canadian customs at some point, you and your party are in Canada illegally. Nestor Falls and all the water surrounding it, is Canadian territory. I do not know what they would do to you if they caught you, but I certainly would not want to be in your boat. There is a clearly defined border on land and water and you need to make sure that you know where it is. The boats from the U.S. ferrying bait and supplies to the angle, will make sure they are in U.S. Waters.

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Thanks for clarifying. Surely I don't want to bend the rules and risk serious consequences as it's only fishing. Cheers. Looks like a plan-B is in the works.

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  • 9 months later...

Thanks all, for this great info. Chris we talked on the phone the other day--very helpful, thanks again.

So you're on Oak Island and have avoided the border crossing, what happens next in terms of fishing in Canada waters? Should the offender in question get a RABC permit in the mail maybe? When crossing into Canada to fish, what's the process? Risks? Consequences?

I know a guy in this situation (wink, wink) and he wants to cover all his bases.



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maybe you should contact the canadien people and find out what if anything there is to do ,early enough to get a head start on it now good luck .oh yes this does work !

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