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I received a call from one of the resorts off of the Rainy this morning that someone was "living" in my stored fish house this last week. I was completely unaware of this as I live 2 1/2 hours from the house, and haven't been back up since mid-March.

It seems these folks moved into my house, threw garbage and human excrement outside on the snow, and when the resort owners approached them about "camping fees" they bailed.

Anyone with any information about the people staying in my fish house at Adrian's storage yard please contact me ASAP. I have a 10x20 brown foam insulated house parked in the "field" accross from the resorts, and now the owners want my house moved.

They (the resort owners) seem to think I knew these people because the individuals staying in my house knew my name. I politely reminded them that my name and address is printed in bold letters on the outside of the house.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Sam, sorry to hear such a morbid story. Maybe these "free loaders" figure this is what "spreading the wealth around" means.

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Thanks Kingfisher, although I really don't find much humor in this - not that I take offense to your statement. The owners of Adrian's were pretty upset with me, and I honestly feel completely helpless. Imagine if you came home from a vacation and found that someone had been staying in your house for a week while you were gone.

I can't just run up there and pick up my house to move it to a new storage location. It's the size of a small apartment!

I'd just like to know who was there so I can collect what they owe me for my propane, my time cleaning up their mess, and whatever Adrian's expects for "camping fees".

I just hope the items I left in the house are still there.

If it's any help, my house has a large "F" on the side. It used to be a resort sleeper.

Anyone who may have seen these guys staying in my house last week please contact me with whatever information you might have. Thanks.

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If you need to move it just go west on county rd 8 a few miles and there is a fenced in secure storage area on the south side of the road, you can't miss it.

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Sam, I don't see any humor at all in what these "low life's" have done to your fish house. Hopefully these hoodlums will be caught and prosecuted. Doesn't the resort bear some responsibility for what is happening on their premises?

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  • 4 weeks later...

#1 - Dont leave items stored in a field, especially in a remote area. Just asking for trouble.

I'd just like to know who was there so I can collect what they owe me for my propane, my time cleaning up their mess, and whatever Adrian's expects for "camping fees".

I just hope the items I left in the house are still there.

#2 - When leaving such property in a field, be happy you still have a structure.. Sheesh, collect on your propane?? Man.. think about it, expecting thiefs/losers to pay you??

Maybe its karma coming back to you? What comes around goes around...

Perhaps a lesson can be learned by this... Dont leave your belongings in an area out of your control and expect to find them in the same condition.

Good luck collecting on that one...


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Hopefully, Adrian's will understand that you didn't know these guys. Make sure you are helpful with dealing with the situation though and getting things cleaned up. I know the field you are talking about and it's got a lot of ice houses all over it. If yours was parked towards the back they probably chose to live in that one because it was more hidden. It also sounds like you've got a nicer big apartment sized ice house.

My family has stored stuff their at different times and yes it always concerns me about whether it will still be there when we get back.

Sorry to hear about what happened. The guys that are giving you a hard time have probably never had to leave anything outside in their lives. Some of the analogies would be like blaming you for leaving your car parked in a parking lot if someone stole or vandalized your car. "You should have known better than to leave it unattended in a parking lot so it's your fault!"


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Sorry to hear about what happened. The guys that are giving you a hard time have probably never had to leave anything outside in their lives. Some of the analogies would be like blaming you for leaving your car parked in a parking lot if someone stole or vandalized your car. "You should have known better than to leave it unattended in a parking lot so it's your fault!"


I couldn't agree more. Good luck in finding the bad guys and sorry to here about your bad luck.

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Good luck finding the culprits CANOPY_SAM. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. One would think your property would be safe if your paying good money to store it there. Ike, welcome to FM. I hope your comment was sarcastic because ridiculing people for there bad misfortune doesn't go well around here. Again, welcome to FM. wink

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Hi FM'ers,

It may be my first post, but I was never known for being subtle... I apologize to those who came to the defense of Mr. Canopy Sam. Rest assured no intentional offense was intended.

Canopy Sam & I go back a ways, back to when we were both in college as aspiring young Wildlife Biologists.. Again I apologize for any misconcieved sarcasm pointed towards the Canopy Man. Knowing the Canopy Man as I, I'm sure he would appreciate the barb... There was one time Canopy Sam and I were working on our graduate thesis up on the Lake Winnipeg watershed and we found this old fishing camp that was abandoned that we stayed in, this just reminded me of that.


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Ima_Ike, sorry about that. I had no idea you guys knew each other and you were just giving him a hard time. cool

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I also am sorry. It's tough catching that from reading it but I'm glad you were just giving him a hard time and not meaning offense. My apologies

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I have a large envestment up there an it would greatly [PoorWordUsage] me off if somebody trashed it, bummer sam. Any word on how it turned out for ya? It's good to see we can all get along. boar

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