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icefishing report for April2-4

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Well it's been sometime since I've had anything to report. But hey that fishing. Thurs. had me on the ice in front of the gap an fishing by 1 pm, whent out in front of the gap in 24 feet an nothing. move in to 13 feet an to the right of the gap till my auger did'nt find any mud, an ended with 2 17's an an 18 1/4. feasted well that night. friday had me out on ricks hump with nothin in two hours, decided to fish pike an went in shore to get my pike bait an found a flat tire on my truck, well now things really suck with no spare, der!, my own self bad for not making sure i have a spare. decide to go fishing for a couple of hours instead to take my mind off the mental anguish, did'nt not go for pike but decided to hit the mud around arnessons cause that where they were setting all their houses, two hours an no fish. Crapo. Well, called a good freind an he brought me a air tank an i limped to andys in williams an they had a used tire that would fit an I said "be gentle" so an hour later an 15 bucks for the tire an 10 for labore I was back in the mental spotlight to kick butt for the evening in front of the gap, 4:30 put a 27" on the ice for first fish, Yea was I pumped for things to come, fished till 8:00 with only two more fish at 17", the 17's never tasted so good after that day of trials. One more day an was determined to fill out, so I went to a go to spot where I should have gone all along. Set up an fishing by 8 am sat. an the little one's started in right away. My first keeper at 9:30 an then it was hard to keep up with two lines, bing bang smash 18's 19's an a pig that let me know whos boss. Never seen her but she had mass. My bad for the drag beeing to tight, made a hard run at the" battle for the hole" an zizzzzzzz PING! [PoorWordUsage]! Oh well an by 11:30 it was all over an the fat lady never sounded so good, Limited out with wally's. between 17-19 an saugies in the 17"range. Packed up an off the ice by noon, an home to make wife happy an preperation for my daughters first communion in church. Heck of a way to end the season. Later boar

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Nice report, Boar, and a good save even with the truck troubles.

I was supposed to go to the angle, but the weather a couple weeks ago shut that plan off.

Did you ever get Viggy Stardust out this winter?

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yea thats the best ice fishing I can remember, Hey gissert, this was supposed to be a new season ritual for me an VSD, but he had to back out due flood anxiety, cant blame him for that. Later Boar

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Oh yea, Sorry I did'nt know P double O P would be poor word usage, silly word usage maybe, I mean come on, lighten up, I said crapo before that. Nothing like being sensored for trying to make light of a slang word in a silly way. boar

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Thats just an automated word censor. We are light, no biggie!! I'll get crapo on the list maybe? !

Sounds like good trip.. Fishing-wise anyhow with all things piled on!

Is there much for dirty water running thru over there? You'd mentioned.. "till my auger did'nt find any mud"..

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I know you guys are light, I'm just teasing a little, Yea I'm so use to the west side clarity, I basically moved over towards the pine tree till the slush was drt free an I had a good clear hole. I'll tell ya fisky, the third day frenzy found me a spot you know all to well this time of year. Later boar

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Ya man I've been itching to get east and punch holes, just seems I can't get any further east than Muskeg! I've been fishing some rather 'different' locations trying to figure out W side prespawn things away from the well known spots. Kind of an exploratory late ice season for me this year doing prespawn on W vs. E as I do most years. This may take many years to figure out!!!!

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Fisky, I should have mentioned on the third day I was on the west side an really dont have any intentions on going back east for awhile. I played bothsides of the lake an was just reassured in what I really knew all along an have experienced before, but sometimes a guys just needs to go out try differrent things, Later boar

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Different things...Variety the spice of life.

We're lucky Boar this big pond has alot to offer thru the seasons. Kinda like a few differnt lakes all wrapped up in one when you consider the variety of fishing opertunities, and how the lake differs from one side to the other and N and S.

I was a bit humbled this year during mid and late winter, still good fishing but for sure an 'off' late season for me, and it sure fired up early on a high note.. Oh well one of those so-so seasons!!


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Getting humbled just makes me more determined next time, yea nothing like LOW to get the blood pumping. Already formulating a game plan for next season, but got to put a bear in the freezer first. An "off late seasson"? Boy there is time to turn that around, if I could go I know exactly what I'd do. I call it operation Big Thumb. Later boar

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