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"I think she's going to spool me"

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I'm pretty sure that's what I heard John say in a muffled voice over the sound of his screaming drag.

Then out of the dark murky water of the Minnesota I see this huge white head appear and massive body fish breaking the surface and porpoising downstream.

10 minutes later.........


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Wow, how much did that weigh? I imagine that was on small gear, and with the current we have now, that's no small feat to pull in!

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It's a poor cell phone pic that didn't do this fish justice. It was a massive. My best guess is around 20lbs.

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If that's the spot I am thinking off, those things are STACKED up in there whistle

Nice fish John!!

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Well the Buffs seem to be liking the backwater slack areas that have some clean water. It was my turn today for a Bison:


and I'm just at a loss for words on this one:


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You guys do know the difference between a buffalo and a bison don't ya?

Well....a buffalo roams the prairie and a bison is what an Australian washes his face in grin

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If that's the spot I am thinking off, those things are STACKED up in there whistle

Nice fish John!!

Yeah, you might know the spot smile The one I caught today though was nowhere near there. It was WAY downstream.

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Nice!! Bigmouth? Smallmouth?

Your's and John's seam to have different mouth orientations but I'm just looking at photos as well.

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WOW nice fish and the loss of words pic its hard to tell but I think the gar is enjoying the kiss a little more than the kiss giver

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Nice!! Bigmouth? Smallmouth?

Your's and John's seam to have different mouth orientations but I'm just looking at photos as well.

It looks like they are both female bigmouth buffalo

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It was my wife's birthday on Sunday.....and I was fishing instead of being home with her so I figured I'd at least give the fish some love.

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It was my wife's birthday on Sunday.....and I was fishing instead of being home with her so I figured I'd at least give the fish some love.

That will make here feel special.... I'm sure you made it up to her.

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Right on!! I can't recall any other year that I have seen so many "tetonka" coming out of the river. They sure are fun to catch and they are fast too. Nothing like the sound of a screaming drag to get the blood flowing.

Nice fish Dtro!

John- I've got your starting fluid from the GTG in Red Wing. Thanks for the help. We did finally get it going but the fish were'nt cooperating. Call me next time you are down in shakopee and I'll run it down to launch for ya-9522501908

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