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16 mile

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Hey guys heading out to 16 mile this saturday any ice info or fishing reports? I am going solo being I cant find anyone to go with me. Just wondering if I should go it alone or not. Good luck to all and be safe.

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If u r going to go out blabbers rd, my buddy and I will be up there early Sat morning, we eat breakfast in baudett, about 6am/ 6:30am then drive to blabbers rd. arrive at 7 maybe we could hook up and kind of look out for each other? I drive a 99 chev sub. dark gray. My E-mail address is [email protected]. shoot me a line yea or nay.

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Just thought I would add a quick word of mouth update. My buddy was up there scouting (Archies)yesterday and he said it was very rough going with the truck. Lost a tackle box that bounced out and broke a bracket that held his gas tank on. He backtracked and found his tackle box and ended up fishing W of Gull. Picked up 4 eyes, 1 saug, 1 jumbo. We will head up this weekend and based on his experience we will take sleds and porties out. He also said the road going up to archies was pretty rutted up and once you got on one side of it was difficult to find a spot to cross it. Springsteel said sleds would probably work better than 4 wheelers at this point, I imagine with the warm weather forecasted for this weekend it will make things...interesting.

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I dont recomend 16. spent the last week up there fishing all over. got a cousin over at arnesens and 16 is really slowing down. fish a secret reef up front the other morning. caught 46 fish 30+ were walleyes. try moving around if you can and most of the fish were three to 10 feet off the bottom

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found fish anywhere form 24-32ft during the day and could only fish one rod for the evening run up in 18

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It's been pounded because the road has been too good all year. In the past with the blowing snow on the weekends the road wasn't plowed out much and made for some good 4x4 baja trips up there. We've even had to go to 12 mile to get to 16 mile because of breakers. This year it was like a highway.

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yeah i know that and its a good reef... i just wouldn't recomend fishing it, thats all and as for pulling a wheel house or something our there, that will be a pain when she gets really warm again

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bak, twin rocks is between twin islands and gull rock. It to the east a bit south of gull rock. Not sure if you can drive a truck there. I bet a snowmobile or ATV would be fine.

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Well i fished 16 Sat and 1/2 day Sun, Sat caught 26 walleye sauger mix, and one 11" perch. My slot limit that I have for LOW is 16" walleye 14" sauger. With that said I kept 4 walleye and 4 sauger and released the rest Sat the fish were bigger with most fish around the 14 to 16 inch class only 4 that were smaller than 13. Sun the fishing was ok alot more 12 to 13 inch fish caught. Caught 33 walleye sauger mix and one 12" perch (my biggest ever) from 7:00 to 12:00 only 17 were bigger than 14 inches biggest for the weekend was a 21" fish. Weather was nice enough not to have to set up house made it alot easier to move around. Not to bad for not being up there for 15 years. In my opinion the ice is startting to get real soft and with the rain and warm temps be very carefull out there 4 wheelers would be the best route. Good luck and be safe.

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