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Riverbend report

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Well just got back from there on sunday. Thursday morning was very cold (-27) was what it said in the truck waiting for the resort to open. Thursday by far was are best day fishing. The action was steady all day long even when the bomber showed up. The biggest fish was a only a 16" eye, but still nice fish, also got 2-3 perch everyday that were 11-12" long. Then it seemed like the warm weather shut the fishing down for us. Other houses did real well, but that is fishing. Still had a great time at riverbend.

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skies: Were you up on the islands? Hoping everything holds together for another week, headed up 3/25. If not time to summerize the boat I guess grin

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I would say that there houses are in between knight and garden, but closer to knight. I think that they are straight east of bridges reef. But i am no expert as this was my first time going up there. The ice was fine then. The only water was a little bit right off of wheelers piont on the roads. That was on sat. The fishing can be real good. On sat Snobies bombers got back at the same time as we did and they did very good. Even said that they caught a lot of slot fish. Good luck

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Very nice report skies! wink It was cold Thursday for sure. The local guys said the week before was some of the best fishing (for size and numbers) they have seen all year. The weather that came threw shut them down. It sounded like luck was your only friend last Saturday and Sunday.

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That is usually how it goes. Should have been here yesterday. But anyday spent on LOW is well worth the trip.

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