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5 Mile Reef

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Anyone have any reports from 5 mile reef? Thinkin about taking the sleds up there on Saturday or Sunday with the porties. Just gonna try and get away from all the trucks and cars a bit.

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you can drive your truck there and the fishing had been very slow for he last week or so...

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Thanks for the replies!

Only reason I was asking about 5 mile is because I will have my 6 yr old with and I was planning on leaving the truck at the trailer on springsteel. Otherwise I would have loved to head up to Garden/knights area this weekend if it was just me and some buds going...

Didn't know they were driving out to 5..shows the last time I was up there smile

Well I am planning on leaving this afternoon and try and catch the evening bite somewhere close to springsteel. We are spending the night up there, so (in light of the slow sounding report at 5) I think we will just reef hop most of Sunday. Probably start out on the closer reefs and work out to the deeper ones. Still might try and stop at 5 mile for maybe and hour or two, unless we find em' elsewhere. I'll try and post a report when I get back home Sunday night.

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Well here it goes..

Went up Sat afternoon and had to get fuel oil furnace fixed. That got completed by about 6:30pm and then jumped on the sled and headed out to Rudy's. Fished 12FOW from about 7 til dark; chubs, demon jig w/red treble. Caught a bunch of walleyes, to bad they were all too small.

Went out Sunday morning with the plan of hitting a bunch of spots I had marked on my gps at different reefs. Couldn't find my gps, so after 45 mins of looking for it I gave up and went fishing. Used guesstimations and fished rudy's, both dnr reefs and the string of structure that heads N.E (direction....) off of springsteel. Fishing was slow, caught lots of dinks, with a couple of nice perch tossed in.

At about 1 I found my gps tucked away in my camera bag (Doh!) and at about that time the auger started acting up...

Ended the day NW of N DNR reef and picked up 3 nice eater walleye. Wish I could have stayed till dusk but I had to be home by 7, so we left the lake at 4. The weather was awesome and we had a blast just messin around on the lake.

I am going back either this weekend or the next and will post an update to that trip as well.

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