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Mississippi River Pool 4 Fishing Reports Pool 5, 6, 7 , 8 & 9

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I'm loving the real-time updates gloomiseye! They are helping me get through this week of work before I get to hit the river this weekend, keep them coming!

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Haha thanks! Today has been much slower probably have caught around 12 eater male saugers. Haven't caught any of the big 20"+ girls today. Going to try one more spot before we head for home. Can't complain about the weather though! Almost hot out here!

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Nothing there, did find a glass shad rap floating in the water though. Water temp made it up to 47 today so it won't be long and they will be going gang busters.

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I've been watching the water level and flow increase rapidly over the last 24-36 hours. Sure wish I wasn't so busy at work or I'd be cashing in some of those PTO days. Current seams should be setting up nicely and the bite will only get better from here on out. Had to take a few minutes of my day to check out Dean's Tackle Box and ended up ordering 10 new blades. Finally learning the tactic of pitching blades after having some in my tackle box for years and rarely using them, and it sure is addicting once you have some success and get the hang of it.

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Matt- What site do you use to check levels and flow?

There are a few sites out there. The one I use is the NOAA site -- water.weather.gov. You can then click on any gauge in the US. I have the Lock & Dam #3 Tailwater page bookmarked on my work computer.

There is also an Android App that I started using recently called RiverFlows. It has the same info as the NOAA site.

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Gloomis- how was the fishing today? heading down sunday to sun bathe and go for some hogs, just wondering if its getting worse or better!

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Fishing was good today for numbers, but hog hunting was a bust for me this morning. 21-22" seemed to be the big fish for most boat I talked to. Caught smaller eyes and saugers pitching, but no big bite in areas that are normally good. Still lacking the defining current seams to narrow down the search area is one problem, with clarity still at 2' it's only the lowlight timing.

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We had to leave yesterday so I'm not sure how the bite was, but the bite seems to be progressing in a positive direction I have a feeling the weekend boys are going to slam them this weekend.

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What is pitching? I have seen that in several posts but do not know what it means in fishing terms.

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What is pitching? I have seen that in several posts but do not know what it means in fishing terms.

Pitching is a tactic generally used in shallower water <10 ft. You'll want a lighter jig or blade bait. I prefer 1/8 oz or less with the minimal current. You basically cast it to structure or current seams and work the bait back slowly. Sometimes a rapid hopping of the jig works, and other times a small hop or even dragging the jig back on the bottom works. Make sure you keep a tight line as they often hit the jig as it falls or while it is sitting on the bottom and/or tumbling in the current.

Hope this brief explanation helps put a few more in the net for you...

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Fished below the dam at redwing for the first time today. Probably scratched out about 35 fish between the wife and I. Even mix of eyes and saugs and good average size. Several fish in that low 20" range. Coulda kept limits each, but put them back for another day. Drifted and vertical jigged from 15 to 25 ft. Important to stay vertical as possible. Caught fish on blue and chartrueseTons of boats flying around. Tough in a small boat when others are throwing huge wakes from yards away. Can't imagine how crazy it will get tomorrow.

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Whacked a bunch of Largemouth in backwater sloughs today.

Found water as warm as 65 degrees.

Best five for my partner and I went 19lbs or so.

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hows the bite going so far this year and can people ancore up and jig fish or whats the best way to fish walleyes and saugers this time of year. looking to head down that way on saturday never been down there before. I only have a 16 foot boat and no electric motor.

thanks in advance.

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hows the bite going so far this year and can people ancore up and jig fish or whats the best way to fish walleyes and saugers this time of year. looking to head down that way on saturday never been down there before. I only have a 16 foot boat and no electric motor.

thanks in advance.

Anchoring and pitching has been tough lately it seems. The mid day bite for bigger walleyes has been almost non existent for a lot of folks. I would recommend vertical jigging plastics for saugers. Our best depth was around 20 foot, purple was the hot color for us.

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Can you vertical jig while anchoring up cause otherwise what other option would I have since no electric motor on the boat

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Can you vertical jig while anchoring up cause otherwise what other option would I have since no electric motor on the boat

The current isn't too strong right now you can probably just go upstream and drift downstream while keeping your motor idle. If you want to anchor I would find a nice current seam somewhere away from the crowds and pitch ringworms or blade baits.

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anything on the mn side dont want to go over to wi only got a mn lic and dont want any trouble. Anybody been out latley, the walleyes or saugers started spawning yet.

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No spawning noted yet. Any access you choose has sauger near. Find a rock/sand transition, current seam, clam bed, or the deep edges of the river channels and you'll find sauger. Saugers are generally deeper than the holding locations for walleyes.

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never have fished saugers before what should i use for bait and how deep should i be looking if you want to you can just pm me for your secrets dont getr out. just looking for some fun in the boat

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As long as you have a Minnesota or a Wisconsin license it doesn't matter which side you fish or launch on.

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Your best bet would be to launch at Everts resort. Cost is $7 and they have everything you need! They are located off of 35 on highway K north of Hager City. Check their website for their exact address! They will lead you in the direction of catching fish and what baits and colors are working. It is a great bunch of people working their! Head out where they suggest and try to replicate what everyone is doing. Most will be "slip drifting" as I call it. You will motor up current, keep your bow pointed up stream and using your motor, control your speed to keep your line as vertical as possible wile slipping down river with the current trying to match its speed. Once you drift down a ways (few hudred yards) Head back up stream and repeat. You will see just about everyone doing it! Hang to the edges of the crowd until you get the hang of what is going on.

Don't worry about the license it is a border water and you can launch from either state as long as you have a license for the state in which you reside. You can fish the whole river east to west from the railroad tracks on the Wis. side to railroad tracks on the Mn. side.

Have Fun!!

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Just like the other guys suggested if its your first time I would launch out of everts and ask them suggestions about what is working good that particular day.

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Thanks fOr all the tips how's the slip drift work if u don't have electric motor can u idle with the big one down the river

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