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Fishing in God's Creation

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A Change of Season



I was fishing with my bride on Labor Day.  She was watching docks come in as many people were wrapping up cabin season on French Lake.  She was lamenting the fact that the summer was coming to a close.

I reminded her that this is our season.  September promises the start of fall colors, better fishing and football.  Ok, that last one didn't impress her one bit.  I have already found that fish are more aggressive.  The area lakes are filled with hungry fish.  They are smacking jigs tipped with fatheads - orange seemed to be the color yesterday.  No longer are they picky and I can usually put a nice walleye in the live well. 

October (hopefully) means the end of mosquitoes and less yard work.  Nice fall days are followed by crisp nights. 

This year, mowing has become a tedious chore.  While the farmers may have liked all of the rains this year, my lawn does too and I am tired of mowing every 5 days. 

The fishing should continue to be good and I fully intend to put more hours in the boat in the coming month.  Get out and enjoy, winter will be here soon enough.


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