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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass


SLEPT IN LATE but it is after all my 756th birthday today. I was still in bed at noon just getting ready to roll over and start an afternoon nap when the kitchen door open and Duncan who was already comfortable in my bed jumped up and left to check out the visitor. The mother in law was soon standing in my doorway cake and card in hand. I open one eye and just said "You are a tad early.put the card on the night stand and give me a fork for the cake" She laughed at me and told me if I wanted either I needed to get out of bed and come to the kitchen, and so that is how my day started.


In my defense I was up past my bedtime last night. At bedtime we usual turn on the whole house fan for awhile and cool things off. Last night it would not turn on and I have a feeling that it has seized up, you would think something would last longer then thirty years. Plan this morning was to get the compressor out and blow it off and see if it is just dirty, maybe see if there are some oil points but I don’t remember any. Middle of the night I woke up in search of a quilt as it was cold in the cabin. The predicted lows in the fifties and wind had done its job cooling the place down. So I figured I would sleep in and look at the fan later.


I did hear some Hollering coming from my neighbor’s Chuck place which reminded me that today is the beginning of Hollering Days here at Lake Iwanttobethere. There was also a few curse words in there so that made me think twice. I was just about out of bed when the wife followed by Duncan came in with scramble eggs and toast, almost breakfast in bed. I ate half and let Duncan clean the plate, a little secret we keep between us. Went to the kitchen thanked the mother in law and went over to Chuck’s riding the garden tractor. Chuck was putting a rolled rubber roof up on a damaged section of steel roof and after getting it up there and spreading it out he discover he had it upside down, The Howling was for the work it was going to take to start back over. Back in town Howling Days will go on for the next few days then we will have a week of Hush as town folks try and get their voices back.


Wife out did herself yesterday as the big garden is finally planted and now we can just water and watch. Of course I read stories of people being south of us with three foot corn and flowering soybeans and we are just happy that we have our garden all in my mid June. This of course means I have some time on my hands to work on other projects and I can take my time. Normally I would start fishing now but the Puddle Humper is still under her tarp and it will be while before I get her out this season if I do at all. Some fishing will be done off the dock and since I caught a walleye off the dock who knows what I just might catch off there this season. I do see some home grown cigars in my future to be rolled and smoked. Kids will be over later tonight to eat the Mother in laws cake and the fire pit will be lit as long as the wind stays down. It is forecasted by Sunshine Ray to rain this evening so I will not have to water the garden, my only chore for the day on the calendar. Of course this also means I will get back to writing and bring you the news of what is happening here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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