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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Fathers Day

Bobby Bass


BUSY, BUSY, BUSY normally this time of year is always busy but with my current health issues it seems that I need an extra six hours added to every day. It was pointed out to me that I have not written for over a week. I have been meaning to but something comes up and I never make it to the desk and put words down. Several storms have hit us here at Lake Iwanttobethere and just as many have missed us. Lawn has been mowed a few times and number two grandson has declared that it is his job, I bought him a small gas powered mower and he won’t let anyone else touch it let alone use it.


Number two granddaughter is in Texas on a big family get together. Back in the day we might travel thirty miles for a get together now it is no big deal to fly across the country. She is ten and has seen both the East coast and the West coast and can now add the Gulf. Funny thing is she has yet to make it to Canada which is just a few hundred miles away. The wife celebrated her birthday on Friday. Her sisters came over and I just made an appearance to sample the goodies that were brought over. I am a couple of days away from my own birthday. I will be sixty-three and as you all know I will also be celebrating my monthly birthday which will be 756 and still counting.


Yesterday I got a huge present from my number one daughter who told me she is pregnant with what will be number four. She already has three girls and her and her husband want a boy, I don’t care I will spoil a boy or a girl. This will make number eight and I made a point of pointing out to the wife that it was a good thing that I built that playhouse a few years ago, it looks like it is going to need an expansion here soon! Woke up this morning early with a smile on face, already had a dream about having eight grand kids running around the lake here.


In other news I did get the cement mixer put together and have put it to work mixing potting soil. I should have know there was going to be some problems when the lettering on the box said " Some assembly required "Then the directions consisted of nine small black and white photos of what it should look like but not on how you got it to look like the pictures. After putting it together four times we finale found the right combo. Today it is ninety in the shade and strong winds coming off the lake. The wife is outside thinking abut doing some work and I am hiding out in the den doing as little as I can. A couple of the grand kids are here and I got a quick hi and then a minute late could hear them screaming as they leaped from the dock to hit the water. As long as I don’t move I am just fine where I am here at the desk. I am smoking some of my home grown tobacco in one of my pipes and now that it has aged for a year it is actually not bad at all.


Am going up to the RESORT later this evening, Have a beer or two and visit with the guys in the Bait Room. Might go out on the pontoon but might just enjoy the A/C and chill. Forecast is calling for rain but for some reason where ever I go the rain does not follow. Wish I could say that for the wind as that is always with me. Matter of fact last Sunday they had to call the church league softball game as it was so windy the pitcher was tossing the ball to home and the wind would take the slow high pitch and deposit the ball behind the pitcher. Hard to hit it if you can’t even get it to home plate. Lot’s projects getting somewhat done around here I hope to spend more time in town and also at the Lodge in the next few weeks so I can get ya all back up to speed here .Fishing has been kind of slow but the town has been busy with tourists. Hope you are all having a great Fathers Day I know I am here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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