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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Swing Nap

Bobby Bass


WELL SUMMER IS here, maybe not on the calendar but after June first we count it as having started. I was in town today, ran some errands and made small talk as I sat in the Tahoe. The wife did all the driving and I did all the sitting. Grandsons will be here for the weekend so I have bunch of projects for them to do but I needed to pick up things. Garden is not all in but we will take care of that this weekend as long as the weather holds out. I think tomorrow is going to be a rain day so I will be working inside the cabin. Of course when I say I will be working it just means I will be directing traffic. Just a few more days of school and I will keep the grand kids busy if I can keep them coming over. Of course along with work they will be plenty of time to fish and swim off the dock.


My neighbor Chuck is working to get me out fishing, so much that he has dragged the pontoon boat down to the shore and has started to convert it back from the ice fishing shanty to a floating boat again. I have told him I really want to fish out of the Puddle Humper but it still sits quietly under its tarp in the boathouse waiting to be uncovered. It has been over two months since I developed the blood clot in my leg I am hoping anytime here it will finally go away and I will get the use of my leg back and with that I will be able to drive again and of course fish. Tomorrow if the rain stays away I am going to see if I can get up on the riding mower and cut some grass. Watching the wife mow is driving me nuts as she mows under the trees like she is using a vacuum cleaner, back and forth back and forth.


Normally by this time of the season I would have a few fish caught and would have visited a few of my spring honey holes, not this year though. Chuck has not been out fishing either, we have not really had very many nice evenings to go out fishing so we figured we have not missed out on to many chances. I think Elmer knows I have not been able to get down to the dock and pitch a sucker out as I did have the granddaughter check his bucket and there were no sucker minnows in it. I almost went to the Masterbaiters shop and bought some but I gave it a second thought as it has been awhile since I have had to buy my own.


Cabin should be busy with the grandsons here and am also watching the city dogs of the daughters. I think Duncan will be teaching the city dogs how to chase rabbits not catching mind you as the two in the garden have made him look pretty sad in his attempt to catch them. Lilacs are in full bloom and there are several vases in the cabin holding them. Apple tree in front of the cabin is in full bloom and it looks like it may be a good year for apples if the blossoms can just hang on a while longer. The neighbor's bees are showing up at my place as I noticed they have been banging against the glass of the windows, sometimes it almost sounds like hail hitting the glass. Yesterday I did come home and sat on the swing, the wife tossed a few covers on me and before you knew it I had polished off about a three hour nap. Felt good at the time but then I had a hard time going to sleep last night. Tonight I am watching a little basketball to make me sleepy here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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