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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass


JUST CAN’T GET warm here at the cabin today, it could be that the wind has been blowing what seems like a steady thirty to forty miles an hour right at the deck door that I was painting inside. I have brass kick plate on the bottom of the door and more brass along the side of the wood deck door that is mostly glass. The brass plates protect the door from the dogs as over the years they would stretch out on it when wanting to go outside and scratch the wood deep. So a lot of tape was used to make sure the paint job looked good. I painted over a few claws marks that Bud had left behind but did not fill them in, they are still there but now covered with some white paint.


Today special learning experience is do not eat Spanish peanuts and then reach into the cats treat jar with said peanuts in your hand. I discovered this when I gave Buff the cat my peanuts and found myself munches on cat treats. Cats may Meow at the treats but I had a different experience.


Feeling better this week as it is my off week from treatments. Went to work on the do list but I had a mind that said I can do this and a body that said no you can’t. Took me three hours to prep the deck door and put two coats of paint on it. Should have been a one hour job, probably why I got cold as I spent way to much time in the daft from the door. When I was done with the door I added wood to the fire and lit up a cigar, they are reserved for special occasions currently and I declared painting the deck door as a special occasion. Duncan went down and got the mail and all he brought me was junk mail and a pack of seed corn for containers that I had to special order. As I said the wind has been the thing today and even at this hour the wind chimes are banging loudly outside the den window here in the full darkness. Not going to complain to much as I hear the boys down south are gearing up for a spring winter snow storm.


I did have to send Duncan to the wood pile to bring down a few sticks of Birch, he took his sweet time as I swear he looked over the pile between each trip to find just the right size to bring back to the cabin. Guess that was a good idea to teach him how to fetch wood from the wood pile and now getting the mail has saved me that walk to the end of the drive or having to wait on the wife to do it. Might be a little harder once summer comes to get the mail from the dock as I am sure he will want to take a swim first and then get the mail second. As always the just painting the deck door is misleading as in all do lists when you open up a project you get side jobs. I did also clean the glass and polished the hardware which found me taking a rest at the den desk. I soon found myself polishing the brass drawer handles, don’t remember when I did them last but the cloth came away pretty dirty. So I added the drawer handles to the to do list and put a nice big check next to them to show the wife what I did do today here on a cool windy damp day at Lake Iwanttobethere

><> 51 <><


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