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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Tap Beer

Bobby Bass


NAPS ARE NO longer a dirty word around the cabin here on Hidden Bay. I spent two days staying awake and then have been doing some serious nap time to catch up. If I could I would walk down to Lake Iwanttobethere and give her broad back a coupe of pats, she kept the Spring snow storm away from us who live on her shores. We did get a lot of rain almost, three inches last I heard. But that was better then the 6-8 icy inches of snow that fell away from the lake and then another 4 inches of snow that fell on top of that making snow removal conditions difficult at best. We did get some of the 30 - 50 mile an hour winds that came off the lake but from what I can see here in the den I did not lose any shingles and the power stayed on the whole time. The RESORT however did lose power for awhile and cabin two lost some shingles but that is on the schedule to get roofed this summer so not a big deal.


I spent time down at the Lodge on Saint Patty’s day, I am always surprised by how many Irish folk we have that show up for the quarter tap beer. Even Sammy the Tailor was sporting an Irish green cap and I am pretty sure he is not Irish. The wife drove me down and told me I could stay an hour as long as I didn’t drink and I was good. First thing I noticed was the two steps going in to the back door were gone and instead there was a small ramp with a hand hold, Nice of the guys as it meant I would not have to use the winding access at the front entrance. Next thing I noticed was a power door on the back door that not only worked the screen door but the inside door. I hit the button and watched the doors open up, dang thing cost more then what we paid for the doors.


Once inside I was greeted by Lodge members and used as an excuse for Gus to tell everyone the next round was on the house, as long as it was green beer. I was directed to go behind the bar where there was a rather large package wrapped in green foil gift wrap with a green Bolder hat perched on the top. Lodge members and the FELLOWS gather around as I put on the hat and tore the package open. I had no idea what to expect and what I found was a custom built wood bar stool. It had a seat belt on it, extended arm rests and a very cool feature. The stool had wheels so I could roll myself around behind the bar but it also had a lever. I pulled the lever up and four pegs replaced the wheels so I could not roll. The FELLOWS told me they had gotten the idea off a bass boat that they saw down at the boat show. They also told me they working on some more improvements and this was just the prototype, heck they think they may be able to sell them!


The wife of course already knew all about the present and she did not come and pick me up for several hours. The padded leather seat was also nice and in jest I mentioned if it was heated that would make it all that more sweet. Before you knew it the FELLOWS had their yellow legal pads out and with a couple of pitchers of green beer were hard at work making modification’s to the prototype. I parked myself behind the tap with the green beer and pretty much just poured free taps for the night. Yesterday was not only my birthday {753} but my neighbor’s Maple Syrup Chuck’s birthday {696} Happy Birthday buddy from all of us here at Lake Iwanttobethere

><> 52 <><


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