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Walleyes to be found from Little Indian Sioux entry?

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We're changing things up a bit for our annual August canoe trip to the BWCAW... For the past several years, our group has been going back again and again in August to areas on the Kawishiwi River, Gabbro Lake, Bald Eagle Lake and done okay on the walleye. Well, some of the guys are looking to do something different this year, so I got a permit for Little Indian Sioux River (North) for the first week of August. I haven't been in that way since taking a group of kids in the 70s, and fishing wasn't the emphasis then. Our present group's not all that inclined to make a long trip out of it... more concerned with fishing time than a lot of paddling. We'll probably set up one base camp and fish from there, more than likely no farther than Shell Lake or maybe Heritage Lake. (Hey, we're not getting any younger.)

Can I tell the boys that there might be any walleye to be found? The DNR site makes it look like Shell has numbers of smaller ones and maybe Heritage could have size, but more than likely northern, not walleye ??

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In AUG of 2000, I headed up to Loon lake with a group of 3 other guys. We didn't know that motorboats were allowed in that area. But to are surprise, we had a great fishing trip. With 25+ plus BW trips, this trip ranks in the top ten for overall fishing. Catching eyes on ultralight rigs is something I will not soon forget. Loon is where I would go for fishing , without the extra distance to Lac La Croix, etc.

Just my thoughts,


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Thanks, Mud. We went up that way with the kids on one of the trips. Most lasting memory of Loon comes from a series of snapshots I took of an incredibly fast approaching storm. Man, we got soaked.

However, getting away from the motors ranks right up there with the group almost as high as good fishing, so we'll probably take the Shell to Heritage route.

Anybody else? I'm not looking for any honey holes... just a word on whether we're wasting our time, or which lake might be more productive for the 'eyes...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Scweady, shoot me an e-mail, I have a spot for you up the Little Indian Sioux that's been good to us.

corey.kellgr enAT BestbuyDO Tcom (take out the spaces & stuff obviously!)

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