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In our society it is well almost implied that men should not cry, but all I know is that yesterday I cried like a little b****, not because MN lost a great baseball player, but one of the greatest people to represent the people of MN. Many people are not aware of all the good he did for others regardless of who they were or how much money they made. He started his own Charity to beneift kids and conrtibuted $5MILLION of his own money, back at a time when salaries were still somewhat reasonable for lack of a better word. As a 24yr old guy who grew up in Mpls.actually the same suburb where Puck lived before moving to AZ,I can still recall watching both World Series and seeing Kirby win the series by himself,I was able to watch baseball during in its prime. I was fortunate to have seen Puck play the game that he loved so much. With all of the attention given to what a great player he was, people often forget the other attributes that made him so special. During his retirement press conference Dennis Martinez was in attendance, for those of you who do not know who he is, he was the pitcher who hit Puck in the head with a pitch that may have caused the Glaucoma, however that has not been scientifcally proven. To this day I still have not forgotten what Puck said to him; he went on to say he did not blame Dennis for what happened, and how he loved him. This so perfectly examplifies what kind of person he was. The world lost a great person yesterday.

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I didn't really follow the Twins during his career, but know what kind of player he was. Here are a couple other good threads going on FM for Kirby.




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