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Thinking of going for them big slabs again on either sat or sun. shoot me an email or leave a msg here and let me know if you wanna come along. Things should be good there now. Bout the right time of the year. I might head up this afternoon for a couple quick hours. Let me know.

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HI 16",




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Fishmeister, as you can see I am fairly new to this. I would like some info on who to contact and info on where to go to catch some nice crappies on Rainy Lk. I am fairly familiar with the lake for eyes" but not the slabs. can a person drive a vehicle on Black bay and is this the best place to fish? Maybe we could e-mail back and forth. my address is [email protected]



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Let's put it this way, if you can catch a crappie in Black Bay in the winter time you are doing better than those of us that have fished the lake for 15+ years. Your best bet to get on crappies in the winter is to fish the canadian side of rainy. Don't get me wrong, you will get some crappies on the U.S side, but your chances are better on the canadian side. I spend alot of time chasing crappies in the winter, and for some reason the canadian side is better, and i don't think i could tell you why. But for some reason them crappies that are in Black Bay are no where to be found in the winter time. Well good luck in your crappie adventures, as i am out in the morning for another round with them 14"-16" crappies. Fishin is only gonna get better with the snow and ice melting. Fishin for me is the best when the water starts running down the holes and washing them out.

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Thanks for the info.It sort of leaves it wide open then cause there is alot of water when you say Canadian side.LOL.

I guess you use snowmobiles?

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Yes we use snowmobiles, often wheelers early and late. Some spots in canada that are popular include Stokes bay, Porters inlet, Rice bay, Northwest Bay, Hopkins Bay, Redgut bay, and many other spots that could possibly hold crappies. They hold in canada better because I belive the structure is a little better. There are more points that they can suspend off and more places that they can hide(though the crappies in black bay and grindstone area do a good job of hiding in the winter!) Basically you're looking for 26-36 feet of water off some structure. That should get you started in the right direction at least.

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