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Heads up - open water on Medicine

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The area is about 300 yrds north of Harty's North, and 200 - 300 yrds off shore; although in the fog this morning it was hard to be sure on these distances. It is out far enough out to be of some safety concern to those traveling on the lake, especially after dark. The area is about 30' across and 50' long. There were a lot of ducks and geese working it this morning so this area is going to be expanding. This is not just water on top of the ice, it is open. Does anyone know if this general area is prone to lake bed springs?

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Hmmn I was by there 20 min ago and that is a big puddle not open water. The birds were there but that is where alot of guys fish and there are lots of minnow parts all over. There were also 7 vehicles on the ice in various spots all over and one car right next to where you are talking.

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I was out on the lake this morning and there were big puddles all over the place, as well as a few vehicles west of the area I am referring to. They were in the deeper water off the point. This spot is open and is pretty close the east shore near Harty's North. Nobody has been recently fishing near this area as it is pretty shallow 5-8'. I walked to the edge where I could see the bottom of the lake. It was fairly early but light enough to be fairly certain of what I think I was seeing. Be careful out there!

Anyone else have any info on this?

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I was out on the lake this morning and there were big puddles all over the place, as well as a few vehicles west of the area I am referring to. They were in the deeper water off the point. This spot is open and is pretty close the east shore near Harty's North. Nobody has been recently fishing near this area as it is pretty shallow 5-8'. I walked to the edge where I could see the bottom of the lake. It was fairly early but light enough to be fairly certain of what I think I was seeing. Be careful out there!

Anyone else have any info on this?

I thought it was 200 to 300 yards offshore?

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About 200-300 yards would be correct - Again it was fairly early and foggy so I could be off by dozens of yards, but the fact is that the area in question is relatively close to the east shore in comparison to the west shore, or even the middle of the lake itself for that matter.

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I walked to the edge where I could see the bottom of the lake. It was fairly early but light enough to be fairly certain of what I think I was seeing.

So do you always walk to the edge of open water to see what you can see? I would say that's troubling.......

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Just trying to make sure others know about this area. I will take responsibility for my own safety out on the ice - thank you. One thing interesting about this area is that there are some relatively new vehicle tracks going right over it. I think it is improtant to realize how fast things can change out on frozen lakes. I am still interested to know if this area has opened up early in years past.

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So do you always walk to the edge of open water to see what you can see? I would say that's troubling.......

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If you know what you're doing and test it as you go, it's suprising what's OK sometimes (it's also surprising what's not OK sometimes).

Last year on April 9th (a 50* day), I stood on 18 inches of ice close enough to a two foot wide opening from an old pressure ridge that I was able to fish the open water with a 26" rod and never had to fire up my iceauger. cool.gif

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I hear you both about checking the ice and staying safe. My point was, if I see open water in the middle of a lake that I'm ice fishing, I know it's not safe. Personally, I'm staying as far away from an open hole as possible and not checking the ice anywhere near it!

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Bass-o-matic I agree - I don't take approaching open water lightly. I have been checking the ice and fishing areas out there all winter. I didn't mean to imply that I had gone right to the edge. I stayed back a few feet on the solid ice that I can asure you was fine for walking.

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I don't see any reason to bag on early-riser at all. People should be thankful that someone has cautiosly observed a situation and reported it dutifully! There are lots of factors that can open up ice at any time of the season, one of which is tightly schooling carp. Things can occur very rapidly, especially this time of year. Take heed, and don't become a statistic.

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Hi All, Growing up in the early 80,s i pretty much lived on the lake both summer and winter and i can tell you from experience that this area of open water has happened more than once in the middle of cold winters, in like jan and feb!! it is weird, we used to drive all over the lake all winter till a friends car went through there, and just the week before there were no probs there! be very carefull!!

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Drove out thursday after work. Not too bad going out other than slush. The launch was getting ugly when I left. Went out of French Park. Im done driving I guess

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