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Has anyone been out on the zumbro at all lately? Hows the ice holding up with all the snow weight and rain? Thinking of going out tomorrow but not too sure if I want to get all wet?


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I would seriously consider foot travel right now. The approaches at the landings on the north end are getting shakey and with the temps of the last couple days, the open water at Fishermans will have had to begun to extend into the same area it was at in January. The lake is known for its poor late ice.

The fishing should be great, though. It was slow for a few days over last weekend and into the beginning of this week but I think too that this moderaate weather will get some activity going. I just wouldn't drive on the ice anymore.

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tom, i tried sending u my email address when i got home from the zinger, not sure if it went through or not, if not its "[email protected]". has anybody been back to fishermens inn yet 2 see if the crappies n gills haved moved shallow? i'd like 2 give it another try this weekend, not sure if ill have time but if i do i think thats where ill go

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Some buddies and i have been walking from ponderosa public access over to the dam and walking down to do some cat fishing. Is this still a safe trip?? does the water open up there first? suppose to do it again on friday and wondering if it is still a safe thing to do??? thanks ike

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I just returned from the public area at Fishermans and things are not what I call good. I waded thru about 10" of water along the shore. The ice was bouncing today inspite of its 12 inch average depth. I walked up toone hole and began to jig until I noticed that the ice was about an inch and a half thick under me. This was in an area that had 10 Saturday.

No sunfish, no crappies, no shiners, no catfish, no white bass, no perch, one 8 pound northern. That was it. I tried plastic, euros, waxies, three different jigging spoons, ratsos, rat finkes, shrimpos, stealths and wolframs. The northern came to a jigging rap, chartreuse over white.

Today was less than a hoot. I am going to Alma with the boat tomorrow in search of the mighty saug dogs and hope that the dividends are higher in pay than today's. This will be about it for this boy and ice.

There is quite a run of open water on the channel at the Zum and casting may be an option very soon.

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i was out there on tuesday and the ice wasnt to bad once u got past the landings. i dorve on by pondys and went off of fishermans and both landings are in rough shape. the public launch by pondy was alright but theres alot of slush and the ramp at fishermans is pretty bad. When i went off i felt my van sink ooo.gif and man thats isnt a good feeling at all. I know im done driving on the lake. now its time to concentrate on those backwater slabs that are waiting for me to catch grin.gif.

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So is the ice safe as of tomorrow (friday) you guys think or should i find some other plans. thanks ike

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