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Just wondering if the warmer weather has negatively impacted the ice On Upper Red....water near the shores yet? I hate to say it, but I'm hoping for an artic blast or two so that I can hit the midweek bliss over Spring Break !!!

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We'll have to melt the snow cover off before the warm weather will have any effect on the ice. The only place there is water is where snow is sinking the ice.

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Id like to make one more trip up there after the crappies. Does anyone know if pickup travel will still be safe in the next couple weeks. I would assume so but you can never know.

Maybe I should rephrase my question. Kelly would you feel safe driving out in the next couple weeks.

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It depends on the weather but I'm hoping to keep my houses out till the 20th. If it cools off next week this warm weather dropping the snow levels could be just what we need. It always seems that the best bite and most fun is after the snow cover is gone. smile.gif

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I am scheduled to sneak up there on the 19th thru the 22nd are you saying it could be fat chance to get out. I found that the weekdays are pretty desolate towards the end of the season.

A couple of those days were planned for LOW Long Point and or Arnesons/Zipple Bay. I was hoping the later days for red 21st and 22nd. Bad plan? I sure hope not.

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No I think there will be a good chance of getting out the 19th-22nd. It will take a week of this type of weather to even melt the snow cover off. Rain could mess us up as there is a lot of snow to melt yet so there would be a heavy volume of water trying to get down through the ice. Other then rain or snow Sat. night the long range forecast is calling for freezing nights. Freezing at night will "freeze off" a lot of the water that is on top of the ice now. Then when the snow cover is gone, the sunlight is reaching down through the ice spurring the bite on and the lake has dried up,,,,,,,,,that's when we have fun. grin.gif

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