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Tonka Gills???

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Haven't been able to get out for a few weekends and was wondering if I will find fish in the same places I was finding them 3 weeks ago? I was fishing weeds in 10-15 FOW. Thanks


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Probably still there or very close by. I'm still finding crappies and gills in the same spot on the west end of Tonka.

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Mark, how did it go last night? We'll have to get out again soon...

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Not really a hot bite. Scratched out some fish. Probably do some fishing on Tonka Sat. Thinking of the usual Wed. night spot??

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Thanks a lot Mark, you saved me a lot of searching. Found gills in the same general areas. Ended up with 10 keepers friday afternoon. Will the crappies be in the same general areas just later at night?


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