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Clementson Resort

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What? I hope not. They do such a good job it'd be sad to see that end. I hope Sandee's around for the next many decades!

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Yep it has been sold!! I just spoke to the new owner, seems like a vary pleasant person. Reservations are still good.

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I hope the new owners still update the website about the river conditions and such. confused.gif

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Yes, it's true, we sold the resort. New owners are Art and Gail Gustafson with their 3 sons, Nick, Ryan and Zach. No worries, Art and Gail will be checking the river this spring season and updating the web site. They are just getting settled in.

We will miss everyone who has come up and stayed with us and all the people who have stopped by just to say HI. Also, we want to THANK everyone for 12 good years at Clementson Resort!!

Give Art and Gail a call and say HI! The phone numbers are still the same.

(Guess I have to change my signature huh?) wink.gif

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In your guys honest opinion do you think I will be able to fish the river on th 20,21 of march. I have been reading the posts and everyone says an early ice out. Also how small of boat can you get away with, we have a 14'' duck boat and a 15 hp motor. One of those real old lunds. Any info would be great.

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Thanks Sandee for all the great information over the years and a nice place to stay.

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Sandee you will be missed, hope you stick around a while to help Art & Gail get their bearings. I still plan on being up the weekend of the 23-26 with the family and the boyz. Maybe this time we will really tell ya where we caught all them walleyes laugh.gif !!! Good luck in your future.

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Didn't get a chance to say goodbye so I guess this will have to do. Stopped to visit & found Gail there. Hope we can be as helpfull to them as you were to us when we were the new guys on the river! Thanks for everything & best of luck to you & Rick!!!!!

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Well I'm giving you HUGE KUDOS Sandee for all the work you put into your website and making those daily runs to the river. It was nice to always be able to check the rivers progress with your work!

I sure hope you trained those new owners well grin.gif

I wish you the best of luck!!

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Sandee I also want to give you a huge THANKS! We could always count on good up to date info from you. You will be missed but dont be a stranger ok.

Also a warm welcome to the Gustafsons and we will see you on the 27th. Ill be with BDR's crew for a few days.

Art I think you know a good friend of mine. Rob Best? Old Sandstone Football Legend. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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mr. rogers i would like to thank you for your email and warm welcome to baudette. as a matter of fact i have known rob best for most of my life. if you see him tell him im expecting him to stop in and say hello. until then we are looking forward to meeting you upon your arrival and if there is anything we can do for you dont hesitate asking.oh and by the way rob was the best kicker ever to hit the gridiron.

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Gail Ill see if I cant get Rob to come up for at least a day. Maybe Ill drag him and his boat up there?

I hear Rob was a heck of a running back as well?

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