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Catch a 40" Sturgeon on Monday night, released immedately, but what a fight, i thought he was going to strip all my line off the reel. I was only using 6 lb test so i couldn't horse him. I was so darn excited that I have no idea of what kind of a wieght this fish may have been. Any ideas. Thanks.

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My guess would be in the low to mid teens. Some sturgeon are build so different then others. I weighed my 59" on the Rainy a couple of years ago and that was 42#. They sure do fight don't they.

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I caught one about 3 or 4 pound a couple of years ago, I thought it was about a 15 pound walleye. since then I caught one on the rainy about 48 inches and it weighed about 24-25 pounds maybe a little more. I fought it on lite walleye tackle for about 35 minutes.

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Out of the St.Louis about 16-20#. They sure are fun. Any eyes for you?

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Very limited eyes, we were set up on a flat, closer to the MN shore than everyone else who was fishing the channel. First night we got a 19" eye and a 12" perch and that was it, Monday the Sturgeon was my only fish but i left before dark due to fishing with out my house and feeling satisfied.

Wirz, 86 lber huh! Maybe when you up to Rainy this spring you'll hook into something that big.

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I left a message for ben, but I haven't heard back. Wondering if you guys would be up for a gunflint trip on the weekend of the 11th. We'll probably get a cabin up on the trail, and fish friday thru sunday. Should be a good time.

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Porter, I got your message about the trip. I think I could come out of retirement for one last weekend this year. grin.gif

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Sweet, it should be a lot of fun, gotta get a little more fish whacking practice before the loopers run grin.gif

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Hey Porter, I would definetly be interested. I'll talk to Ben tonight and we'll give you a call. I've got to pack tonight for my Red Lake trip this weekend.

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