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Used a camera for the first time this weekend. It was great. I have been looking to buy one and not sure what to get. Debating over the aquavu XL or is the SRT better for the money. Also was looking at the Nighthawk or the Quad 360. Does anyone have any of these or could give alittle insight about them. We used the XL and it worked good, but we were done by 5:30, couldn't see anything anymore due to the light.The best advice comes from you guys using them. Thanks

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i have a five year old ovs 400 from marcum. and i love it. from personal choice and what i have read here. do not go with the quad cam. the pictures are to small to benifit you. unless of course you have a bigger monitor to hook it up to. there is a very long thread here reguarding this topic. its a good read. pros and cons from alot of cam owners. and as you read in that post. lights are a not a big thing. in any color. just dont work well in our waters. good luck on your choice. ..... paul cool.gif

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I would not suggest the aqua vu xl until June....I brought mine back last week cause the contrast was bad.....the guy at gander mountain said they sent 23 customer and 6 display models back because of defective contrast switches....he said that by june they were told the problem would be fixed.

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