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Marcum lx-3 ?



I am a new lx-3 owner. In the owners manual it says when u plug it into the charger it should flash the percentage number and say charge. Mine flashes one then says 100%. When I unhooked the charger it read 60%. Does this sound like what it should do? Should I leave the charger hooked up while it says 100% or do I have a charging issue? Adam

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4 answers to this question

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Disconnect the DCS from the battery and start over. That's the easiest way to make sure something's not goofy. Now, what does the say?

If not 100%, plug it in. It should flash while charging the battery.

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Dave it does not flash while charging I had it plugged in for 12 hours last night while at work and I went from 60% charge to 70%. Adam

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I plug the charger into the wall first, then into the battery. Maybe you already tried that. confused.gif

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I did try that but thanks. I just took the battery and charged it with my old vexilar charger and now the status monitor reads 100% So i gues ther is something wrong with the charging part of this unit. At least the status monitor is working so I know how much battery I have left. I am going to Red and Lake of the woods this weekend so it is not a good time to have flasher issues. Adam

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