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How much snow??


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So how is it for navigating around the lake if your "off the beaten path?" We are coming up the 3,4,5 going out of Rogers. We will have full size trucks pulling 14' houses. In the past we have fished a ways away from the big groups and would like to do that again if possible. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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After getting every truck in our group stuck last weekend, which was right after the snow, I'm going to say you won't get very far off road with wheel houses.

There is well over 1' of fresh on the lake and we did everything we could to drive through it with trucks alone.

There probably are some trails & ruts around that you could follow but definitely travel with a buddy, a jerkstrap, and some shovels.

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definitely travel with a buddy, a jerkstrap, and some shovels.

Or a group of FMers to push you around. grin.gif

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I just got a report that it just started snowing on Red at about 4 this afternoon.

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5 to 8 inches plus by the time this one is over. With another one coming in sometime mad.gif saturday.

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Still snowing at about 1:00 AM. The wind is moving it around. I would guess that in the morning the main roads will need to be plowed and the the side roads (north/south) will be blown shut. frown.gif Mother Nature rules.

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Now we got snow. frown.gif I would say that cross country travel with a wheel house is all done. A pickup can still make it but it is getting tough. Be carefull about drilling a hole close to roads or driveways because with banks this high the small narrow roads will flood.

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Hey, those soap bubbles coming out when you talk is neat. grin.gifgrin.gif If you want to hear really bad words you should have been riding along yesterday while we were towing my plow truck back to shore again.

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Hey Kelly, I must have just come onto you on shore just after you got towed off the lake. You were covered in snow and soaked in gas. It didn't look like you were having much fun. Hopefully, next time I come up we can have some time to visit. Thanks for helping us get set up with Pat. Aside from getting attacked by seals in the middle of the night, it was a good time.

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Sorry Bob that was not a good time. frown.gif $900 to get it back from the mechanics and it does the same thing again the first day back. So I bolted the plow onto the ugly yellow one and roared back out there the next morning with high hopes. Got 10 1/2 miles out and started plowing the driveway to the house. 10 minutes and burned the clutch out. Towed in again. frown.gif I miss the pre-"79" trucks. No electronics just a coil, distributor, carberator and a straight front axel. Life was good. grin.gif These glorified cars they sell us now just aren't tough enough to do the job on the lake anymore.

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Hi Kelly, I talked to your brother yesterday at the cat fishing event and he told me about your recent truck problems. You have my blessing to slap around the next person who says you're overpaid for what you do. grin.gifgrin.gif We made progress on converting your brother from the evils of muskie fishing to the joys of catfish.

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HEHEHEHEHE!!! Was wondering how that one was going to be explained away smile.gif

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Kelly, I thought it might be a case of you two being brothers, but he had a much better looking mother and father than you did. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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I can't think if a good comeback right now,,,, but give me time. grin.gif Foster tried to pull a trick with a bolt on me in the bar the other day. I didn't tell him I'ld already seen it. grin.gif

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Kelly, I thought it might be a case of you two being brothers, but he had a much better looking mother and father than you did.

Now thats funny!! I would have a hard time coming up with a good come back too.

Good to meet you at Cool Cats IceHouseBob!! I didn't have the beans but heard they were good.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators


Kelly this work on URL must be keeping you young!

Either that or all this stress chasing those muskys has really taking it's toll on Jon. tongue.gif

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Kris Kristofferson said best:

"Tappin' time thinking of the time we never had the time to take. Losing to the rising cost of living **** and loving hard, leaving every yesterday behind." wink.gifsmirk.gif

Just remember you old coots that Desert storm happened in high school, the challenger explosion was during elementry, Reagan was the first president I watched on TV. Half of a lifetime is 15 years and I never used a 8 track and I do not recall the BeeGees or disco! Who feels old now? grin.gif

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    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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