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Ear problem

Mr. Nailz

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My lab has an ear problem. He is shaking his head constantly and there is an odor to his ears. I think they need to be cleaned out. My question is, is there a good product out there to do this. The q-tips and tissues don't seem to be getting deep enough. Thanks in advance.

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Sounds like she has an infection. I would bring her to the vet and get a cream to get rid of the infection. It can either be a bacterial or yeast infection both require a different ointment. My dog just went through the same thing.

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My GSP just went through the same thing, the vet gave me some drops, to put in the ear and it cleared it right up.

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Yeast infection for sure my lab had it last fall. Batril Otic is what you will need.

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Its tough to say yeast infection for sure, my dog had BOTH a bacterial and yeast infection. If I had only treated the yeast, the bacterial infection wouldn't have gone away. Bring the pooch to the doc, they can tell you for sure instead of us guessing here on the internet.

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The lady I bought my 1 year old springer form told me if she ever gets an ear infection and you can smell the infections, a good home remody is poroxside. Put a small amount of that in the infected ear and it clears it up. I haven't asked any vets if this is safe so I'm kinda wondering if any of you guys have heard of this home remody.

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I don't know about the peroxcide in the ear. Would not want that in my ear! Since I depend on the dogs ears to hear me and my commands, as well as a ton of other things, I would take her to the vet and that way you can be sure! Untreated infections will eventually cause a hearing loss. Have a good one and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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I wouldn't use the peroxide. I go to the Vet, and they give me an Elovera solution that you work around in the ear. They also give something else but can't remember what it was. Ear infections are nothing to mess around with. Your dog would appreciate if you take her to the vet. I know it isn't cheap anymore, but neither is a good dog. CAJ

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Ya, don't mess around with home remedies. The vet will give you drops of some sort and if you ask they will sell you the stuff they use to clean the dogs ears. I've got a bottle and just use a cotton swab from time to time.

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Thanks for all the replys everyone. Just got back from the vet and it was an infection. Vet said many (most) are allergy based, and many times food based. So it's pills and cream for now and watch to see if that changes anything or if I have to change foods. He also said it could be anything, rawhide, treats, popcorn, anything. Looks like I'll have to really watch what he eats, and see what bugs him or not.

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Three times now one of my dogs has had something get stuck in thier ear after a day afield. Seeds, grass stickers just about anything that can fit in there can get lodged and after a while of irritaion it can become infected. I always do a flush after a day of hunting like Metrojoe said.

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I've have a 6 year old golden retriever that has had an ear infection for 3 years...been to 6 different vets and all tell me its a bactierial infection and have given me creams, drops, and pills to cure it....nothing has helped...until the maker of the rawhides she loves went out of business and almost immediatly she stopped having the infections....coincedence or ?? but thank god they went out of business....she's never been happier

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If your vet suggests that this might allergy related, take the time and have an allergy test run on your dog. It can be done by either a blood sample or by the sin (Contact US Regarding This Word) test (which is more accurate, but more expensive). That way, when you get the results back, you can know what to avoid, and save your dog alot of suffering. I know of what I speak. We have a lab that has serious allergies, voth food and enviormental. Its no fun watching them suffer.

Good luck

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I believe setterguy was having the same sort of problem with one of his dogs. As I recall his dog had both infections(bacterial & yeast) and was only being treated for one so the infection kept coming back. You may want to ask the vet about it if it happens again.

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I use rubbing alchohol on my yellow. he seems to clear up. I was told that in the winter going from cold to warm air causes alot of moisture to get traped in there since he has a low ear set. i just clean it out once and a while.


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I took my lab t the vet last year also for an infection.

They gave me some drops to put in his ear. That didn't work and when I took him back they said I wasn't doing it right so they gave me more and showed me how to do it right.

Well, the good old vet was wrong again.

I went to another site and asked the well known vet about it and he gave me a site to go to for some drops.

the drops where made in canada and the bottle cost $14.00.

After a week of treatment my dog has NEVER had another problem and I still have 2/3 of the bottle left.

Not to knock the vets but I spent way to much money with them for NOTHING.

I spent $28.00 total for the drops and shipping(cost almost as much to ship it as it did to buy the drops)

Anyone want the name and info let me know.

the purple stuff works.

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