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Sylvia ice?

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The ice on lake sylvia is between 16-18 inches. I myself have been driving all over both lakes with a full size 4 door pickup. The fishing has left something to be desired though.

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Thanks duckman. Haven't had much luck with the pannies? I'm really interested in going after some sunnies there. Have you been driving through the channel that connects the two sides? And one more question...has there been much traffic on the lake?


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I have ben getting a few sunfish, but not a real lot yet. I think its a little early yet. Yes, I have been driving through the narrows. If you do drive through there be careful on the east end as there are 2 big cracks off the point there. You have to go way to the north around the point. There hasn't been a real lot of traffic on the east lake, the west lake has had a fair amount though. I hope this helps you.

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I'll be gone this weekend, fishing at rainy lake, but anytime after that I'll be fishing Lake sylvia. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at duckman5547 at hotmail (Contact US Regarding This Word), and I wopuld be more than willing to go fishing with you.

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Sounds good. I'll probably be taking a guy out this weekend myself, so it would be the following weekend at the earliest that I can get there.

Have fun up on Rainy. I fish the Canada side in July. Great fishing, great scenery!!!

I'll send you an e-mail when I have a chance to get up there. Will be interesting to see if the temps over the next week have much of an affect on the ice.


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I was up on Sylvia yesterday and things were dim. If you are looking for the big ones to move into 10-6 feet, it will be a couple of weeks yet. Needless to say, 1 sunfish yesterday. Tried 4-5 locations and sightfishing as well.

Last week a friend of mine went out and only got 5 (nice) ones, but thats it. 5 hours + 5 fish = Waste of time.

What year did you graduate or aren't you originally from Gaylord? I graduated from Sibley East in 92. Just curious.....

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Thanks for the info. Sounds like it's better to wait a little while before hitting that lake.

We ought to know each other. I graduated in '91. Eric Parrott.

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