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What was the winning weight at Liberty today?


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Was up this a.m. and started out on 3 mile with one 13" walter right away. Alot of lookers and no takers. Ended up running back towards 2 mile and found some decent perch in 35' that were willing to bite but nothing larger then 11". I didn't think that would beat the usual 1-6 to 1-9. Anyone have any luck in the drawings? Best wishes to all of you, hope you caught the big dogs!

Tunrevir~ cool.gif

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It was a tough bite out there for us too. We managed a few but we definatley had to work for them. Just keeping ice out of the guides was challenge enough.

Waxies produced the majority with minnows being a close second. No jumbos for us today either.

Thanks for posting the results of the contest.

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It was a very slow day for my group. I did manage to catch a 1.46 pounder and my brother caught a 1.40. My fish ended up 11th just out the running. That was the only two big fish for our group. A lot of lookers and smaller fish, but nothing consistent. Although I did manage a grab bag at the drawing. It was a cold day on the ice, but had a lot of fun.

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same story here got some perch but to small. I didnt get any thing in the drawing either. It was still fun the whole tournament atmosphere is awsome.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Well where were you guys the morning bite was bad for perches but boy i had my hands full with walleyes but they were to big except for my 15 inchers that will make my grandma a fish dinner this coming friday. About 11 am i started to catch perch nothing big 10-12 inchers but i 12 of them. Dang H2O thing kill my favorite perch flat there must have been 20 people on a that little flat. So I ended up fishing a bigger flat but cant complain it was a good day.

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On Thursday, my son and I hit the flats and done pretty good, even though we got out there a little late. We got a number of perch to 12 1/2 inches and that was going to be our go to spot for Saturday mornings, Liberty Beach perch contest.

We headed out to our spot on the flats and wouldn't you know it, for whatever reason, my GPS decided to go bipolar on me! Maybe it was the new batteries I had put in the night before?

I had bought a multi-pack from Menards...I think it was 600 batteries for a buck? Nothing but the best! I figure about 30 seconds of use in the cold and they are toast...thats the end of that! I'm moving up to the dollar store brand! But I digress.

We luckily found the same holes we had fished on Thursday, smiled alot, jigged around a liitle, made room on the truck to put the 1st. prize 4 wheeler, punched new holes in a string for about 75 yards and wound up catching 2 dinks for about 4-5 hours of fishing!

From 25 feet on top, out to 35 feet and we used every color scheme, style, size, bait and technique we could think of and we had alot of lookers, but no takers.

We ended the day closer into shore, in about 32 feet of water and caught maybe 6-8 perch, of which we kept 4, maybe to 10 inches? We got 1 marginal keeper walleye which we released, and that was that!

Someone else drove off with our 4 wheeler and all the cash and prizes...even after we had made room in the truck! grin.gif

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

or get the plug in for your truck that is what i did because i was going broke buyin batteries.

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I'll start working on it tonight...the wind generator that is...I believe I'll start with a boiled egg, some cabbage and a bowl of pork and beans? grin.gif

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If they had a small perch award we were in the running.We had 3 perch about 1/4" longer then a fathead.Drilled hole after hole on the south end basicaly same results O keepers on sat.

Several of us headed over for the drawings.1 guy ended up with a microwave that fell off the sled on the way back to the cabin.

We got up early this morning fished the same area.What a day will do.9 perch over a pound 3 eyes 24-25" 2 slot eyes about 17" on red hooks tiped with just the head.No movement produced every fish today.23' rocks set lines were 22.5 foot down.4 times we got bit off same hole all in 20 minutes.Next hole over was 6' away ended up hooking into a muskie that swam by the hole several times about 3' below the ice we could see other jigs not from us that were around his mouth with line stil atached.Muskie was probly 15-18lbs range.We lost he won, never got it close to the hole

Weather was great today lots or people fishing outside.Saw a couple gals fishing in shallow water like 4-5' any ideas what i'm over looking?????Crappies???

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It was a great day to be on the Big pond Saturday, I too caught many smaller perch, kept two around a pound, but knew this would not be enough to place in the contest. However, the wallleyes were in a very cooperative mood and I was all alone out in area off 3 mile in 34 feet of water, caught my limit of beautiful slot fish, including a 19,18, 17, and a 16 inch to round off my limit. Also caught and released a 26 and 24 inch fish. All caught on Gold buckshot jig with a minnow head. What a great way to finish off the walleye season. I cant wait for the opener, I think Mille Lacs is going to have an ON year. I too got skunked with any prizes at the contest, there were sure alot of people at the drawing. Nice weather too. Tight lines to all.

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I was up with my dad and cousin. We started on the bottom of three mile, and it appeared everyone else on the lake did too. Too much traffic and not enough action for my liking so my cousin and I headed out on our own while my dad stayed put. Fished an area that sounds similiar to Suick100's, I Caught several walleyes biggest being 17" and a decent perch. Lots of action on the marcum but were not too willing to bite.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

my guess would be crappies and gills if they were fishing in the weeds.

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